I would believe I am not a quitter. No matter how tough the preposition, I will always try and try till I get it. The only problem is...I haben really been trying alot of things to verify my claim.
I am lazy. So lazy that the mind always convince the body no particular thing is really worth trying. I wonder if life could have been any different now, if I had persisted with some of the more 'cause-worthy' pursuits. This apathetic mentality definitely have to be corrected if I dream of bigger success in life. For a start, to prove that I am not a quitter, I decided to quit smoking yesterday (pun not intended!).
But only for a good 10 hrs, 34 mins and 08 secs.
I drawn my next puff this morning. Life was simply beautiful, with dancing smoke caressing my lungs. 'Puufffff...hmm...relaxing...!!' Then the consciousness hit me. Fuck! I am a bloody quitter!! Discounting the fact that I was in a state of semi-consciousnesss for a good part of the 10 hrs, I only stayed smoke-free for like wat...only 2 hrs?? Shit.
Good sam : 'It's ok...u can always try again!!'
Bad sam : 'Brudder!! Life is short mah! And we all die anyway ler!!'
Counting an average of 12 sticks a day, for the past 20 years (I started my virgin puff at 10 yrs O...), I have 'devoured' 86,400 ciggies already. Holy shit!! And this is juz a conservative figure! My lungs have their lifespans too, and I sorta freaked out a lit thinking what will be the final cut-off number. Or date. Suddenly I have this realisation; 'No wonder the models from ciggies' adverts are always young dudes or babes...'
None live long enough into their forties to do another.
Better smoke more then. ~Kidding la.
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