Wednesday, November 25, 2009


9:38 p.m.

I glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard as we were chatting. Fabian was picking up Nat from the airport. Slow and busy traffic agitated him. He was running slightly late. When the road opened up, he floored the accelerator and sped. We came to a red light at a junction near/in Changi. Some idiotic van driver cut across his lane to turn left, while on the middle lane. It was close. Fabian cursed in hokkien (he's french) and took off. I thought he seemed angry while negotiating the tight bend. I thought we were drifting. I thought I was getting closer to the pavement.

Fabian understeered and the white Hyundai Tuson mounted the kerb. I briefly saw this young gal juz managing to avoid us on the side road, while waiting to jaywalk across. I saw her fell, as a Yellow cab flew pass and crashed into the lamp post infront of us. A black Mercs ploughed  into the cab's rear. The 3rd car tried to avoid the gal but in vain, it's rear left wheel hitted her left shoulder. She was still sprawling when I saw her shoulder ball being pushed into her body and an awkward protusion appeared on her back. She became motionless. I heard more shattering noises behind and loud bangs.

In less than 3secs after the kerb-mounting, a whole series of events exploded around me. Fabian juz caused a chain collision. The silence was eerie. 10 secs after the accident, the world seemed to have stopped. Head throbbing and heart racing, I released my seat belt and stepped outside. The visual shocked me. Noises started flooding my ears and I heard cries. Cries of pain, cries for help, cries of despair. There must be like 8 cars in the chain collision, with 2 motorbikes...all compromised in different positions. The 4th car is smashed beyond's driver slumped over the steering. One bike broke into a few pieces. One car went into a tree truck. Some passengers must have fallen out from the 5th lorry. I saw twisted limbs. Bloodstains. Trapped drivers. Still bodies. And the right side of a toddler's shoes.

'...Putain de merde...' 

I turned and saw that Fabian was alrite. Sirens pierced our numbness. In a flash, medical workers appeared to assist victims, 2 civil-defense guys tried to pry open the door of the 4th car. Police officers started cordoning off the area. It was chaotic. One officer asked out loud for the owner of the white Hyundai. Then I remembered we had 2 pints of beer before the journey started. Fuck.

I opened my eyes to the soft hummings of my air-con. It was a terrible nightmare. So fucking vivid.

I can still feel the young gal staring at me.