Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mood refreshed.

Q : Do you wat is Sam's fav food?
A : Err...pocked-chop?

I tried to start this post with a witty joke but if you didn't get it, too bad. (Ok..maybe U hav to see me in person to appreciate this self-deprecating joke. I have pockmarks which can fracture a mosquito's legs. I am Serious.)

After 3 days of excruciating toture and absolute boredom, the virus is clearing and I am feeling lots better. Less the blocked nose. I am dying for a KTV session, 3 pints of beer and a lung-bursting run. Maybe with adequate rest, my mood did brightened up a little. Or maybe it's the cough syrup. Whatever it is, this fool is good for another bout of fight till the next mood swing strikes again.

I realised when you dwell too long on the sticky situations in Life, you fuck yrself up. Either resolve it or leave it, but never, never sits on it. It is detrimental to one's physical, mental and emotional health. Once you allow yrself to hang around too long, you get suck into it and  frustrations manifest. It's a vicious cycle; the angrier you are, the harder it is to break free. Pessimism sets in and depression hits you. Which MIGHT eventually leads to suicidal thoughts and even...Death.

I am thankful that my upbringing and school of thoughts casted a safety net of caution before I dive too low to recover. I am constantly amazed by this inner strength of self-reasoning, and logical sense always prevails. I might free-fall and hit rock bottom, but my net will bounces me back up just before breaking point. Maybe one day this net might tears but till then, I am still in one lumpy piece. ;)

I know Sam is such a whinner at times. But the day Sam stops whinning, is when he gives up on Life. To those who consoled, shared, advised and gave their time to me, thanx a mil!! All haben been futile. I might not have responded postively but I am listening. And I will learn. Pardon my fiery temperaments and nonsensical rantings, for I can be such a joy to be around with too. I know you guys heart me as much as I heart you!

'I am lonely, broke, sad and fat!
Then again, who isn't? At least one of tat!
Still, I get my mama's pat,
while those buds will watch my back!'

Rebooted and running on safe mode.  Tomorrow will be a better day *smile*