Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dun phunk with my heart.

We were all young and bold once, and we couldn't care hoots about consequences. I miss those days. Misdeeds are mostly forgiven, heartbreaks easily forgotten. Love and friendships come as quickly as they go.

Age made a wiser me. It sharpened my judgements, mellowed my temperament, hardened my heart and took away my balls. Life is such, it never comes in a complete package ( least balls are still intact). The change in basics of my physical attributes and personality traits make me a different man, but not necessarily a better man. According to current research, the real you is ever-evolving. Not only will we see a difference on our 'outsides' (beer bellies, sagging breasts, rebonded receding hairlines etc. etc.), our 'insides' are constantly changing too.

No wonder sometimes, I dunno who or what I am.

Those days of being wild are over. Fatigue is a normality, with darker eye rings and expanding waistline. Getting a second glance is a privilege, teenagers addressing you as 'Uncle/Aunty' is a norm and married frens are slowly catching up with single ones. Only my dear Mama still think I am a kid. I behave better (some will not think so...), more composed, more cynical and less idealistic, less trying.

Still, there is a child in all of us...that little corner where we always believe in dreams, love and hope. I might not love with abundance anymore, but I craved to be loved juz as much. Love me for what I am, love me for what I am not.

If not, leave me alone.