Monday, July 19, 2010

Taking the leap.

How many times have you got a hunch, that you have to get something done?
How many times have you felt a vibe, that watever you are doing is right?
How many times have an intuition told you, that you juz have to do wat you have to do?

When eventually realised and justified, you are admired for that faith in premonition.
If you failed, you will be pronounce a fool for acting on that gut feeling.

The road less travelled is risky and arduous, let alone an unexplained, anomalous emotion. Some leapt...and got rewarded, some...plunged into the depth of wilderness. When all logic sense and school of thoughts get thrown out of the window, when there is no precedence to rely on, when all ethnical codes of conduct and moral values no longer govern or impede the growing desire...shall we still do it?

You are not alone, as there are many more out there facing similar dilemmas. But you are ALL ALONE, cos no one else can do it for you.

I have never come to terms with the evolving state of mankind. I hate the perceived 'rights' and 'wrongs' in this guarded society, I detest the need to be mainstreamed, to be judged 'normal', I stand up against the self-righteous powers of systematic rules, the false pretense of democracy hiding behind archaic, outdated traditons and cultures. I break free from the clutches of justification, ignore varying opinions and rebel.

Take that leap of faith, if you believe strongly enough. Sometimes in Life, we can't always be too certain before we act. Dare to dream and dreams might juz come true.

Afterall, it's your own life.

"He who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses much more; he who loses faith, loses all.

~Eleanor Roosevelt