Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And Lenovo is her name.

The deed was done in less than 15 mins.
First store, nice sales person, best machine within my budget and I was sold.

I was rather surprised by the ease of selection (or rather my inadequate knowledge of computer stuffs which compromise my choices...) and the truth is, typing my first post on the brand new lappie, I am still wondering whether I got the best value for money. Specs-wise, it should serve me fine for the next 2 years (I am a cheapo and I am expecting 4 5 yrs...). 15 inch display, 8mb ram memory, 1G independent graphic card, blue-ray disc player..well I can't really complain.

But seriously,she's an ugly lappie.

Maybe it's has something to do with age (or maybe my deteriorating eyesight), asthetic concerns doesn't matter too much. I am still coming to terms with her high-glossed finish which leaves unsightly fingerprints and the non-tactile keypads. But I am sure I will grow to love her and appreciate her inner beauty over time.

At this moment, I am still struggling to figure out Window 7.
But watever it is, my virtual journey continues :)