Friday, July 9, 2010

Quick Fix.

I miss writing for the past few days and was rather determined to clock some literal mileage until I decided to check my mailbox first. Bad mistake. Cos the fixed routine everytime my pc boots up goes like this :-

Check emails-->facebook-->twitter-->facebook->msn->fb>emails>news>blogs>news>fb>twitter>fb>fb>fb>fb...

By the time I am writing this, I am 2 hours after when I initiatly wanted to start, diverted from my intended content, drained and yawning. I have to admit FB is indeed intoxicating, or maybe my own life is so mundane, I am envying others' lifes subconsciously.

I have been occupied by work, and exhausted by its mental demands. I come home everyday, dress down, slump onto my fav sofa and pass out. Sometimes with saliva seeping out from the dry corner of my lips. Shift work is causing hassle to my life...either I can't find anyone to hang with or it's too late to hang by the time I knock off. It's even tough slotting in time for dinners, chills or haircut. When I have all the time on my off days, I silence every god damn alarms, blast the aircon and juz hibernate. OKay..I do watch lots of soccer too, it's the WOrld CUP people!! I am not displeased yet I dun wanna my time to revolve juz around work. I want to run, play some soccer, go ktvs, drink..watever. Routine stuffs juz make me sick and I hate feeling enslaved to any particular regime.

It gets worse when your close mates or friends suddenly seem to vanish overnight.

Seabass has happily (or foolishly) deserted brotherly duties to serve time with the woman he believes is Helen from Troy. Marche is searching for his Helen. Pilot is well..that monicker is self-explanatory. The last kaki left, chose to downgrade to a platonic relationship. The rest... let's juz say the chemistry is not too apparent for me to indulge or have agendas that differ greatly from mine.

And then you wonder why you even bother about these people.

I am finding it so much easier toking to the random taxi-drivers, stall-helpers or toilet cleaners. Cos when they engaged you during that short duration, there's no expectations, judgements or justifications and you tok about anything under the sun. You move on and both go back to watever they are doing. Simple and fuss-free.

Maybe terms like buddies and bros are overrated. Why should they even care? Why should I then?