Saturday, July 10, 2010

The equation is incomplete without you and me.

In an ideal world, there should only be Love.

It pained my heart when people get on the wrong side of affections and animosities are formed. Differences are bound to be aplenty, but to the extent of prejudices, biasedness and total detachment? There's no winner here.

How long can a lifetime span, to weave webs of anguish and hatred? In the beautiful world, we live and let live. In the real world, we live to retailate. Shortchanged? Take back! Maligned? Fight back! Infringed?  Give back! Opposed? Fuck back!

I say... we better watch our backs.

Everyone of us is a part of the formula to the greater equation. There shouldn't only be you or me, nor you versus me. We are all but one of the huge equilibrium of existence.This world can't function with only SAMs! We need all the Toms, Dicks and Harrys too! For the greater good, for the greater deed.

Existence is self-indulgence. Co-existence is exemplary.

If there was only Adam in the garden of Eden, he would still be masterbating to the visuals of trees, animals and maybe his own reflection.

Make love, not war. Cos Life is seriously too short.