Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ramdom thoughts

Another long night. My precious long night. My mind is fresh and the brain is spewing tots faster than i can remember....

...I am enjoying the song on my blog (fallen), one of my top 10 fav...i can play it over and over again! No ones writes in my Cbox. Again. The movie i juz finished has a bitter-sweet ending and aaron kwok's acting is really good. Dunno if i can help adrain in any way....yang might still be awake........can marc win eunice's heart? brother is flying off this friday...going ktv with my mum and uncles this sat (first time!!) ...i think i am slightly slightly slimmer.....that was a lung-bursting hell of a run juz now...i am dinner..only 5 am ...wat show should i watch next? red wine today, damn.... pissed...feeling good today actually...muz be the run!..i am hungry...mum is waking up soon...i wanna find out something but i think i shouldn't....maybe one zouk per week is good for the tummy? mebbe i should go over Baobei's place tom? ...think i will wake up at 6+pm...maybe find nic for kopi....huixian really wrote something about sebast in her friendster...i am hungry...breakfast...too bright by then...oh i think adrain wanna dine with me...i muz tell sebast wat huixian told me yesterday...maybe she dun enjoy chatting with me?...ok...blah blah blah blah...should i eat breakfast? maybe i can swim tom?!! i need to get my priorities straight!...syriah is leaving soon...damn it moby_low is not vincent?? think i will watch andy lau's show lah...

I juz love my long nites.