Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lonely yet not alone

Another long night. Sang my lungs out juz now.

I came out with this phase " alone but not lonely OR lonely yet not alone" years back. How adept is this remark now!

How many times have each one of us fall into a mood like tat?

I need conviction and connection.

I need someone to tell me I am alive, that I am missed...my existence matters to someone out there. I need someone to understand the turmoils I faced sometimes, someone to untangle my knots of confusion. Someone who might love me more than I love myself...someone who is my beacon of light, my source of strength and inspiration. Someone.

"Will there be a 'someone' like that?

No man come and go by himself. We co-exist to acknowledge each other presence...to make comparisons, to have competitions, to define intelligence, to differ beauty...then how can we feel lonely among men?

I think it's more of a physicality VS spirituality thingy.

"Willing is the flesh, but weak is the mind" ~ Sam G

I still sorting this one out, let's see how long I'll take.