Sunday, August 1, 2010

We can all be heros.

AG said aries are superheros. Or at least like to think of themselves as one.

I dun deny I grew up idolising Superman and his amazing super powers. I forgot the amount of times I tried to cape my mama's blouse behind my back and plunged off any raised heights. In fact, I am proud to have got so influenced by a fictional character, cos he embedded me with a strong moral compass which serves me till this very day. Superman was my epitome of power, righteousness and masculinity.

Of cos, less that red undies on the outside lah. After one tight slap for putting on my mum's knickers over my pyjamas one day.

I was borned fleet-footed, atheletic and competitive. I relished every opportunity to square off with the best. Coupled with a fiery temperament, I never back away from a preposition to challenge. Perhaps I was rather misled by my above-average attributes and started thinking I was invincible...and during those wayward years, I exhibited those physical prowess rather carelessly on the streets. Having 'powers' distorted my thoughts into feeling superior, and having the warped notion that absolutely nothing can ever hurt me, juz like my cherished Superman.

I must have been one big jerk of a troublemaker to my dear frens, cos I can't remember how many times I had compromised their safety by taking things into my own hands. I was never evil, but always too eager to dish out justice my own way. I haben lost a fight but I am sober enough now to know tat the day I do, it might cost me or a closed one's life. Power doesn't necessarily equates to violence (unless very necessary!) or pure brawl. It takes an intellectual and responsible brain to harness power to its best conductive capacity.

As quoted by Uncle Ben in Spiderman, 'With great power, comes great responsibility.'

And eventually I realised I dun have great powers, but that didn't hinder the awareness for more responsibilty. We dun have to be superheros to understand that we should be accountable for our actions. And sometimes by inflicting hurt, I inevitably cause more regrettable damage.

By living out our lives in the best, morally, socially-responsible manner and setting good examples, we are already heros in every sense. You dun need to fly to inspire, for the deeds that started from you and went on to infect another, are far more inspiring than any powers can muster.