Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chasing 2010.

5 days passed in a frenzy and I have 2 off days creeping up after 12 am tomorrow.

It wasn't as taxing as I tot. Some loose ends were tied up, BIG boss from HQ was sent away happy and I lost a few pounds from missed lunches. 4 late nights and a weary body later, I survived to attempt another post (Though my brain is spacing out and I am yawning wildy like a safari lion). And then there's still this month-end report undone. Knn.

Seems like I can't find the right amount of dosage to fill a day. Too much work..I am pissed, too much time...and I am pissed too. Lacking of spontaneity is a recurring issue, my nature is simply too 'excitable' to compromise living out a planned and mundane routine. Problem is, the level of spontaneity is in direct proportion to your financial health and I am still as broke as church mouse...sigh! Responsibilities are reining in my pent-up frustrations with Life, work and people, and keeping me grounded against uncalled-for activities. I do feel like drinking half a gallon of beer, have some merry-making and punch some idiots in their faces or just lose my identity for a night! Simply salivating!

On a solemn note, I am preparing myself for the uncertainties ahead. Empirically-speaking, I am skeptical about the year ending on a flourish...but being 32 has brought about some much-needed maturity and significant changes, I do hope Life can be much kinder.

To quote loosely from a quote in 'Forest Gump', 'foolish is wat foolish does too'.
But sometimes being consciously foolish, can deter unnecessary sadness.

Presumed ignorance might be an acquired taste.