Thursday, June 3, 2010

Will you strike me if I show you my middle finger?

If there is really a GOD, I hope everytime I look up to heaven, he can tell me what the fuck is going on. But no. I seriously dun think there is a GOD up there looking out for every one of us. Seriously, how much bullshit prayers can he listen to everyday and watch everyone's back? Good and evil, yes. Retribution and karma, yes. GOd? Heh.

Watch this brilliant standup act by George Carlin, shared with me by M, who I believe have also flashed his middle finger at the 'higher power' more than a few times. (We can't beat HIM everytime, bro! Not when He is not even there in the first place.)

We dun need anyone to tell us to do good and I think basic human rationale should govern us well enough. Unless you are warped, perverted or juz plain outright evil, then no fundamental common senses could have any bearings on you. I dun pray to GOD and ask for things, cos I dun blame him when I dun get them. I work for it. My mum kicks my ass when I screw up or the local legal jurisdiction takes care of me when I run afoul of laws, not GOD. He dun pay my bills, he dun give me food and he dun provide me with medical services, a home or holidays. In fact, he wants our donations so that he can keep on decorating his beautiful home called HEAVEN. Hmm. You think he accepts credit cards too?

I have nothing against peeps with faith and choose to indulge their beliefs in any GODs. It's your choice and you live with it. If your God is watching your back, well good for you! If not, change to another! There's so many to choose from, you always have time to find the right one! (I've heard different heavens have got different themes to cater to different folks! It's not easy finding believers nowadays!)

Show me a GOD in all his almighty gloriousness and I will show you ET. I believe I get punch by any ramdom stranger for flashing my middle finger faster than any GOD can inflicit his lightning bolt on me. I juz flashed 3 times towards the sky. Try it.