Friday, June 18, 2010

When it's so distanced, I forgot we were there before.

How many faces can we know in a lifetime?
I have seen thousands, known a few hundreds, felt for some, loved a few.

I remembered the things we did, the places we go to. Your smile, the warmth of your hand, the fragrance of your hair, the lingering scent when our bodies touched. I remembered missing you, longing to see your beautiful face and kissed your lips ever so tenderly. I remembered we ran, crossing kilometres, building camaraderie. I remembered your kindness, your gesture of help in my times of despair. I remembered our laughters, the dizzy steps, when our brows were laced with perspiration. I remember you sitting beside, on a bright full moon, when my heart was broken. I remembered your choice, of forsaking me, to be with another. I remembered the car rides, with a broken radio, with rock ballads aplenty. I remembered you waiting patiently on our date and how you broke into a smile on seeing me. I remembered our times of careless youth, when the nights are always young. I remembered you, who came and left and come back again, though some are gone for good.

I wish I can remember more, but it's been so long and I can't remember anymore.

You. Everyone of you.

Sometimes I forget we were ever there, until I remember again.


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Sam G said...

;) u r welcome