Friday, June 25, 2010

It's always about the people.

People. Never fail to intrigue me.

If God was the one who made us, I am amazed how he is able to churn out so many different ones of us everytime. Our physical attributes, our personalities, our characters, our habits, our growth and learning abilities etc. How many moulds do he need and has, to create every distinctive one of us? If, according to the bible, he only made 2, which in turn replicate the rest...he must be a freaking genius! Everyone of us is a product from the first moulds, which we will become a mould and recreate another product to mould another! Simply ingenious. If only I know how to use his blueprint commercially, create 2 to create more, which will self-mulitply without any expansion. I will be rich!

But I suspect GOD is not ISO 9000 certified and did not foresee the way we evolved.

Look at those unfortunate ones borned with physical defects. Look at some of the morally-ill ones who came to contaminate or exterminate others. Look at how we waged wars to remove our own kinds, instilled unrest and stirred troubles. Look at the division of social/economic/racial/commercial quotients. Look at the depletion of Mother Nature's treasures through our selfish needs. Look at how our evolution has distanced us from the earliest notion of Life.

Look at us.

Benefit of doubt, I think God made us outta love. And hopefully we make more love thereafter (which we all DEF agree...) Other than indirectly contributing to the thriving trade of flesh (Adam muz have gotten bored juz screwing Eve) and 'liberated' us into more precise loving, like loving money, loving blings, loving condos, loving cars, loving ONLY ourselves. It's amazing how we always try to outdo ourselves. Wooo, He should be crying silent tears of pride. Look! Even his most faithful followers are buying stakes in Suntec, living the high-life in Hollywood, and amassing church funds in the millions all in the name of Love!

People. How warped, distorted, misled and selfish some can be.

Everything started out of a good clause. People tarnished it. FUcked-up workplace? It's the people. FUcked-up system? It's the people implementing it. FUcked-up Life? It's on us.

Stop hiding and stop blaming everything else. Everyone should start doing their part.