I woke up at 12:27 a.m., hungry, groggy and moody. 2 slices of bread, a coffee and a clearer head later, I sat before my workdesk, wondering if the world juz ended.
No one really cares, isn't it? Where the hell is everybody?
I realised one sad but sobering truth. No one really care or bother about you, less your family, cos they dun have a choice not to anyway. Buddies? They are either so much in love with someone else, angry with you or so preoccupied with their lifes, you juz dun fit into their curriculums this moment. Frens? You are juz one of their many, and they are having other frens to pass time now. Anyone at all? The truth is no. Why should they bother about you, when they are not being bothered?
This is Life.
I see their updates on FB...doing stuffs, going places, having fun. Their world didn't stop, mine did. I am not ostracized by them, but by circumstances. Either you join them, or you be on your own. No one owns anyone anything. They are not selfish, you are juz not their priority. Only people stuck in close proximity, lke my poor mum, have no choice but to ask, 'Are you hungry, son?'. I recalled I was living alone before...and I did feel I was the the last man on earth then. And the same feeling of dread and lonelinesss is back.
I am upset. With who or wat in particular, I am not sure. I can be in a better situation than now, but I am not. I dun think we can plan and pan out Life exactly the way we want it. Some parts of it juz come to you, like it or not...and we juz fucking live with it. Everyone knows what they want, but not everyone can get it.
This is Life. And this is MY life.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Prenominal option.
Posted by Sam G at 2:10:00 AM
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