Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pay peanuts, get monkeys.

I spent whole day trying to understand the decision behind my promotion and pay increment.

I finally received the offical document comfirming the new appointment after months of speculation. I am thankful that my efforts are being rewarded and was given an opportunity in a higher capacity to grow and learn. In fact, I should be I was given a better role than what I initiatly thought of. The promotion was doubled, but yet the pay was not. Of cos I understand that the raise has to be reasonable and inline with market norm, but I am perplexed by the company's justification of renumeration for my new duties.

Is it due to my lack of appropriate credentials? Is that how much I am worth in their eyes? Or is it another opportunistic corporate manoeuvre to wring the most out of an employee with the least possible payout?

I love the job. So much so that I rejected advances from rival companies a few times. If it was about servicing the one offering the best perks, I would have left long ago. Factors like having a great team and boss also greatly contributed to my decision to stay on. But let's be realistic, no one works for free...and all that I am asking is to be valued fairly and competitively. I joined since the boutique's induction from day one and is one of the three remaining from the pioneer batch. Even though new colleagues came onboard and fetch better salaries, I did not make any fuss. In good faith, I believe they must have more to offer. Someone told me that if what is offered is good enough for you, then it's a good enough reason and I totally agree with that.

Since I was chosen to lead the team, I muz be doing things right and some of my qualites must be being recognized. But why such nominal increment for a much bigger role is really beyond me. If I am still effectively paid in the range of a sales executive, am I being encouraged to perform my new role with similar output? I believe more things are expected from me with the promotion and I will have more responsibilities to sustain, but if expectations are not met from both do we get a deal going?

You dun find monkeys to fly planes, run companies or lead governments. Try offering a pilot a road sweeper's pay and it's likely he ends up sweeping the cockpit. I only ask to be assessed and rewarded fairly, nothing more, nothing less. If they decides that by paying peanuts will motivate me to perform my impending tasks diligently and faithfully, I seriously dun mind putting up one monkey show or two to reaffrim their judgements. Duh.