I have been told so many times by countless peeps that I am lazy, or offered this reason for my inabilities and shortcomings, that I also started believing I am one big, insipid, hell of a bum.
Not that they are wrong. I am INDEED lazy. But I think this word has been much abused and maligned.
When I did poorly in school, my mum said I was lazy.
When I refused to take public transport for work, I was told I am lazy.
When I stopped going to gym, my frens said I am lazy.
When I can't give my best effort, I am also lazy.
SO lazy can be loosely or conveniently associate with poor performances, nonchalence, no-shows, 'can't-be-bothered' mentality or 'couldn't-care-less' attitudes.
Dicitonary.com -
la·zy –adjective
1.averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
2.causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.
3.slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.
*I can't score in science subjects becos they are not really my subjects of interests. So I switched off during lessons.
*I bypass public transport cos I hate being in close proximity with strangers with weird smells, waiting for inconsistent arrival timings of buses and trains and getting to work with crumpled shirt and sweaty armpits.
*I stopped spending 5 days week in a gym becoz I wanna get a life outside with buds and gals instead of spending time with gay boys (who can't wait to lay each other) and brawny hunks (whose brains are as big as their biceps. Maybe testicles.).
*I can't give my full effort when I can't be bothered with what you are doing, I dun believe in wat you are doing OR whatever I am doing, is not my area of expertise/interest. Or maybe I simply hate you.
Being 'lazy' means...
1. I am selective about wat I wanna do.
2. Completing tasks in the shortest, best possible way.
3. Adverse to spending time with people who I can't really be bothered with.
4. Not willing to entertain or oblige doing things/peeps which I am not interested in.
5. Shortlisting and narrowing down the things/people which/whom I can contribute to wholeheartedly.
Being lazy doesn't mean I wanna drop dead this instant and do nothing. Being lazy doesn't mean I stop bathing, trimming my armpits, pubic areas. Being lazy doesn't mean I am a good for nothing or a born loser. Being lazy doesn't mean you can trample all over me. Being lazy doesn't mean I will hesitate to punch you.
One of my new found drinking kaki, Mr Terence F. have the best quote for laziness I have heard so far.
'Laziness is the MOther of all efficiencies.'
I love this man. (And he claimed to be very well-trimmed below to affirm his belief.) See? Lazy people like us hates repetitions or prolongations. We do it one time, everytime. And either we dun do it, or we do our best. It really takes one to know another.
I can't wait to witness his belief. Heh.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Lazy Bum
Posted by Sam G at 9:03:00 PM
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