Monday, March 29, 2010

Mars is coming.

I felt better this few days.

I dun really fancy more alcohol to complement my self-induced misery...I started walking with a little leap in my steps again..I whistles a soft tune to accompany my journey home on public transport and that bold, mischievous sparkle in my eyes are rousing again.

I feel better. The skies seems to have cleared and Spring is here again!

Maybe it's about time to wisen up, maybe it's time to move on, maybe the fire within is burning again. Sam is a pure-blooded Aries man! Come on! We are not losers! Aries fight on and till Death do we stop! Then suddenly, a realisation hit me. Hey! This is it! THis is our month! Mars is coming and we will rise again!!

Ok, ok maybe I needed a lame reason, but I have had enough of my wallowing period. No more self-pity, no more binge drinking, no more suicidal thoughts and definitely no more self-destruction. The fighting essence inside is screaming to get out and it's time to put a stop to all these nonsense. Why should I even let anyone fucked me up? *middle finger*

'The zodiac sign of Aries is dominated by the ruling planet of Mars. Mars has been named after the Roman God of War who was said to be daring and totally fearless'

It's April soon and there is so much catching up to do. I started the year with so much plans only for some worthless distractions to screw up my resolutions. 3 months down and 9 more to go. I am in such pathetic state emotionally, physically and financially for the last 3 months. Thanks to my foolishness, there's hell to pay now! But I am going to grind my teeth and emerge from all this a stronger person than before and relish every breathing minute of my life. Mark my words.

Sam is back and he is loving it.

Special mention to my little one, Syirah who will be celebrating her b'day on the 4th April, along with Jiacong 26th, Hua 27th, Dalton 30th, Fiona 30th, Luke 30th, Huixian 31st, Neh 1st, Seng 2nd, Sandrine 5th, My younger brother 11th, Winnie 18th and Auntie Lee Hua 20th. 

Happy B'day to all of us!

When you are an Aries, the battle is already half won.