Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Singaporeans got talent?

I watched the latest clip of Susan Boyle juz before I posted this.

Now if you have no bloody idea who this amazing lady is, (1) you are either a hermit (2) you can't read and write in English (3) you are too engrossed in whatever shit you have been doing.

If you are any of those mentioned, do yourself a favour and click on the link above to enjoy her stunning performance.

I was flipping casually thru the new edition of 8 days this afternoon and realised our very own 'Singapore Idol' is back. Well, what can I say. Seems like another lame attempt to join the Idols' wagon and milk cash from our viewers again! If Taufik, Sylvester, Hady and Jonathan from 2 seasons combined are still not enough evidence that we dun really match up to the standards of Lambert or Kris Allen from the American's version, I dunno what is. We certainly dun have the whole package to make this franchise a viable one, from having our my own charismatic 'Simon Cowell' to having fantastic singers on the stage. Lots of elements have to fall in place before Singapore Idol can ever be successful and Mediacrop deserves to be spanked for constantly stealing ideas from popular programmes ALL THE TIME!! If you are a frequent viewer of cableTV, you will discover our local shows always instill a feeling of deja vu. Anyway this is to be debated another day!

Kudos to Britain and their team of producers for coming up with this wonderful show that offers a chance for all Britains, young or old, to showcase their talents. (Sidetracked a little, having talent doesn't juz mean SINGING only. Maybe Mediacrop feels that Singaporeans have no talents to boot...) Every contestant is given their short duration to stand on stage, beamed live on national Tv and they can do whatever they can do best. I have been overwhelmed, overawed and even brought to tears by some amazing performances from very normal people. It's really inspirational to see these people defying odds, races, cultures to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams passionately. Like Susan, she is already 47 yrs O...but boy...isn't her voice stunning..

For those serious singers who hope to use Singapore Idol as a platform to greater heights, or for those who are dreaming to be the next singing sensation, PLEASE wake up your bloody idea. If you haven't realise yet, none of our local established singers have hit gold juz by taking part in some shitty singing competition. Absolutly none. Juz name me anyone who did, I will film myself swallowing a whole microphone and post it on youtube. I sweared. Back to the talent show, I hope to see Singapore doing something like tat instead. Cos we singaporeans are really an ingenious lot...from using tissue paper to 'chop' seats to falling asleep immediately in the buses or trains when an elderly or needy is insight. Thinking about our hidden 'talents' already got me excited!

Now, wouldn't that be more interesting than looking at some ah beng or ah lian singing?