Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ageing beautifully.

I sweared my pants expanded during my 2 off days...damn.

My bloody knees are still acting up on me and I can't even squat to shit, let alone run. I muz have put on at least 2-3 kg for the past month, judging from the beautiful contours around the waistline. It's hard not to be reminded that I am in my 30s when the body constantly screams for attention...and those obstinate white hairs...they juz keep popping out when u r not looking, ooOh WAIT!!! Is my hairline receding now too???

Gymming has long been a forgotten routine, and with chest beginning to look like tits, damage control has to be swift and immediate. But alas! Juz when I add on a weekly soccer kick-a-round to my fitness regime, the knees have to protest in defiance! Sigh!!! Now instead of edging closer to the body of Brad Pitt, I see a promising sumo-in-the-making from the mirror. Shit...yea rite, toking about shit...luckily most toilets have seated covers nowadays! Imagine having to squat and wipe my a***!!

The only consolation that there is still a slight trace of youthfulness within, would have to be those bloody pimples. At 31 yrs O, and still having pimples is really 'encouraging', not forgetting those overly active oil glands too. If only they can secrete oil by the gallons, I will be one of the richest in Singapore now. But guess God is not fair (I know he is a Blackie years back...) and since I can't beat him, I shall join the Dark side and celebrate my oncoming wrinkles. But it's really tough trying to be a closet 'kid' when the younger ones expect you to carry yourself with poise and maturity, and babble 'words of wisdom', esp in this judgemental society of ours...so I think I better hide my marbles and Transformers robots aside before they call me childish.Duh.

Now, where did I keep my Ninja turtles boxer?