Saturday, May 30, 2009

Juz get your own act right.

Criticisms towards the 1st H1N1 victim in Singapore. North Korean's defiance in the face of world's scrutiny. Top local host who have a rumoured affair with his young assistant.

Too many opinions, different values, cultural and religious differences. If everyone are the similar in EVERY aspects, the world might be a more peaceful place. But boring...very very boring indeed.

All of us have our own beliefs, principles and values we were bought up on and still practising till now. They might not be the best, but they did guided and moulded us into the person we are today. Some might be biased, some straved of empathy or might even be warped. I believe not all are applicable to everybody, given our diverse ethnicities. That's why co-existence and tolerance are of paramount importance anytime, anywhere. Too many finger-pointings and imposing judgements are going on everyday, from the top levels to the commoners. Why can't everyone juz get their own shit right instead? Undesired intrusions of external affairs can be refrained if corrective conducts can be self-imposed. The basis of moral values should not be entwined with political agendas, religious differences and cultural rights.

You dun need intelligence to be wise. You dun need God's presence to do good. You dun need age to show maturity. You dun need jurisdictions to behave. We need all these cos humans are flawed and since everyone is not perfect, who are we to judge one another?

2 cents' worth is predominantly 2 cents. Some of us might even be worth lesser than that.