Criticisms towards the 1st H1N1 victim in Singapore. North Korean's defiance in the face of world's scrutiny. Top local host who have a rumoured affair with his young assistant.
Too many opinions, different values, cultural and religious differences. If everyone are the similar in EVERY aspects, the world might be a more peaceful place. But boring...very very boring indeed.
All of us have our own beliefs, principles and values we were bought up on and still practising till now. They might not be the best, but they did guided and moulded us into the person we are today. Some might be biased, some straved of empathy or might even be warped. I believe not all are applicable to everybody, given our diverse ethnicities. That's why co-existence and tolerance are of paramount importance anytime, anywhere. Too many finger-pointings and imposing judgements are going on everyday, from the top levels to the commoners. Why can't everyone juz get their own shit right instead? Undesired intrusions of external affairs can be refrained if corrective conducts can be self-imposed. The basis of moral values should not be entwined with political agendas, religious differences and cultural rights.
You dun need intelligence to be wise. You dun need God's presence to do good. You dun need age to show maturity. You dun need jurisdictions to behave. We need all these cos humans are flawed and since everyone is not perfect, who are we to judge one another?
2 cents' worth is predominantly 2 cents. Some of us might even be worth lesser than that.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Juz get your own act right.
Posted by Sam G at 1:14:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Singaporeans got talent?
I watched the latest clip of Susan Boyle juz before I posted this.
Now if you have no bloody idea who this amazing lady is, (1) you are either a hermit (2) you can't read and write in English (3) you are too engrossed in whatever shit you have been doing.
If you are any of those mentioned, do yourself a favour and click on the link above to enjoy her stunning performance.
I was flipping casually thru the new edition of 8 days this afternoon and realised our very own 'Singapore Idol' is back. Well, what can I say. Seems like another lame attempt to join the Idols' wagon and milk cash from our viewers again! If Taufik, Sylvester, Hady and Jonathan from 2 seasons combined are still not enough evidence that we dun really match up to the standards of Lambert or Kris Allen from the American's version, I dunno what is. We certainly dun have the whole package to make this franchise a viable one, from having our my own charismatic 'Simon Cowell' to having fantastic singers on the stage. Lots of elements have to fall in place before Singapore Idol can ever be successful and Mediacrop deserves to be spanked for constantly stealing ideas from popular programmes ALL THE TIME!! If you are a frequent viewer of cableTV, you will discover our local shows always instill a feeling of deja vu. Anyway this is to be debated another day!
Kudos to Britain and their team of producers for coming up with this wonderful show that offers a chance for all Britains, young or old, to showcase their talents. (Sidetracked a little, having talent doesn't juz mean SINGING only. Maybe Mediacrop feels that Singaporeans have no talents to boot...) Every contestant is given their short duration to stand on stage, beamed live on national Tv and they can do whatever they can do best. I have been overwhelmed, overawed and even brought to tears by some amazing performances from very normal people. It's really inspirational to see these people defying odds, races, cultures to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams passionately. Like Susan, she is already 47 yrs O...but boy...isn't her voice stunning..
For those serious singers who hope to use Singapore Idol as a platform to greater heights, or for those who are dreaming to be the next singing sensation, PLEASE wake up your bloody idea. If you haven't realise yet, none of our local established singers have hit gold juz by taking part in some shitty singing competition. Absolutly none. Juz name me anyone who did, I will film myself swallowing a whole microphone and post it on youtube. I sweared. Back to the talent show, I hope to see Singapore doing something like tat instead. Cos we singaporeans are really an ingenious lot...from using tissue paper to 'chop' seats to falling asleep immediately in the buses or trains when an elderly or needy is insight. Thinking about our hidden 'talents' already got me excited!
Now, wouldn't that be more interesting than looking at some ah beng or ah lian singing?
Posted by Sam G at 12:58:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
My name is Jack.
Sometimes I feel I am talented.
The reason I used the word 'feel' is because I did not make good any of my accquired skills.
For bring the smartest kid in the household (or so my mum claims...), I dun even have a diploma to show, while my other 2 siblings are graduates. I play the piano and guitar, write my own songs and have a decent voice...neither did I harness this to the level of being professional. I used to have legs that powered thru 100 metres, but the only time I am using my gift of speed now is when I am running for the toilet. I am a military-trained elite soldier and survived thru the rigorous training and demands of my vocation...all I do now is to whine and behave like a spolit brat sometimes. For all the above-average psychomotor skills I exhibit during different ball games, I am neither representing any clubs or my country.
There are many more things I can do, but never good enough to be competitive, rewarded or revered. I am always 'good enough', never the best.
I am just a Jack-ass who hi-Jack the belief that Sam fizzles but never sizzles.
Hi, my name is Jack.
Posted by Sam G at 11:43:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Singlish rediscovered.
Posted by Sam G at 3:05:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fools
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Loving someone is not a job.
Being together for a long time is not an excuse to fall into a routine.
For all those lovebirds all there, please show some respect to LOVE.
Love is not just the sweet honeymoon period in the beginning, or some routine kissing and hugging. Please have the decency to love wholehearterly, the sensitivity to respond to one another and the awareness of one another's needs. Love is not juz the same daily wake-up calls or the same nightly 'sweet dreams' SMSes. Or the ocassional meetups, the ocassional intimacies and definitely not juz another bloody chore. LOVE is only for those who are ready to love, so please do others a favour and STOP short-changing LOVE.
For those who loves like it's a routine job, I wanna tell you DUN BOTHER! Cos first, you dun get a bloodly pay. Second, there is no yearly increment. Third, there is no farking promotion.
AND if LOVE is an employer, you will be sacked many times already.
Posted by Sam G at 10:01:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ageing beautifully.
I sweared my pants expanded during my 2 off days...damn.
My bloody knees are still acting up on me and I can't even squat to shit, let alone run. I muz have put on at least 2-3 kg for the past month, judging from the beautiful contours around the waistline. It's hard not to be reminded that I am in my 30s when the body constantly screams for attention...and those obstinate white hairs...they juz keep popping out when u r not looking, ooOh WAIT!!! Is my hairline receding now too???
Gymming has long been a forgotten routine, and with chest beginning to look like tits, damage control has to be swift and immediate. But alas! Juz when I add on a weekly soccer kick-a-round to my fitness regime, the knees have to protest in defiance! Sigh!!! Now instead of edging closer to the body of Brad Pitt, I see a promising sumo-in-the-making from the mirror. Shit...yea rite, toking about shit...luckily most toilets have seated covers nowadays! Imagine having to squat and wipe my a***!!
The only consolation that there is still a slight trace of youthfulness within, would have to be those bloody pimples. At 31 yrs O, and still having pimples is really 'encouraging', not forgetting those overly active oil glands too. If only they can secrete oil by the gallons, I will be one of the richest in Singapore now. But guess God is not fair (I know he is a Blackie years back...) and since I can't beat him, I shall join the Dark side and celebrate my oncoming wrinkles. But it's really tough trying to be a closet 'kid' when the younger ones expect you to carry yourself with poise and maturity, and babble 'words of wisdom', esp in this judgemental society of I think I better hide my marbles and Transformers robots aside before they call me childish.Duh.
Now, where did I keep my Ninja turtles boxer?
Posted by Sam G at 9:05:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Me
la La la la LA. I changed her look. (roxette-tised)
I love to read the ramdom blogs from time to time and some blogs make me go back again and again. And I guessed the main reason being their interesting contents. So I have decided to do away with all the 'gimicky' stuffs like cbox, imeem player and slide shows on my blog and just concentrate on writing.
I really love this new template. Simple, clean and neat. The 'Fool's Talk' header beside the image of an empty bench under a tree is so...felicitous. I can almost imagine Forest Gump sitting on that bench babbling about Life in his 'life is like a box of chocolates' kind of style. And maybe, I am inspired to be just like that, in a foolishly entertaining way. The way the world is run by those smart asses, fools might just do a better job anyway. hmm...
till then, hasta la vista baby!
Posted by Sam G at 1:48:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
You are all I need
For all the money I can need,
for all the nothings I can speak,
for all the gifts you bring to me,
for all the few times we do meet,
for all the wonder you might be.
for all the woman you can be,
If you ask me,
Love is all I need.
When I'm alone against the world,
When I'm down and so unsure,
When I'm sad and no one's here,
When I'm falling on my rear,
When I'm caught in between my fears ,
When I'm weeping my.. my quiet tears
If you ask me,
Love is all I need.
Baby I need no superwoman,
I need no answered prayers,
I need no cars and houses,
I need no others with me,
Baby I need no pretty faces,
I need no constant praises,
If you ask me,
Love is all I need.
If you ask me,
you are all I need.
Posted by Sam G at 6:19:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
When all stand still.
I always enjoy viewing and taking pictures that captured a precise moment.
The morning rays penetrating a bedroom, the splashing water from 2 playful children, the smile of a loved one, the coldness of a heavy downfall.
Still yet expressive. Sometimes I can even feel the life in that photo.
Great photos might not be taken by great photographers. A wonderfully taken picture conveys so much, it either bring warmth or sadness to me. I have seen beautiful pictures taken by people from all walks of life and I realise the less intentional the shots, the more 'realistic' they are. I am not bothered by composition, subject or techniques. I remember sitting ramdomly anywhere, looking at any ramdom things or people and just snap it when I feel the moment is right. There can be so much things happening around me until I shoot that one moment and see what the camera captured in an instance...that my eyes will never see. That moment... seems so real and close ...and everytime I look at these pictures, it felt like I am transported back to the period when the the picture relives itself all over again....right to point where my camera freezes that eternal moment.
Technology have made the modern camera small, digital and powerful. I remembered my insistence in having one with me 24/7 then, so that I am always equiped to capture any 'sudden' moments. Or rather equiped to preempt that moment. Sadly I have been too self-absorbed recently to isolate this little indulgence.
Posted by Sam G at 4:11:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mayday heeded
May started on a good note.
Posted by Sam G at 12:56:00 AM 0 comments