Thursday, February 18, 2010


So CNY went in a jiffy too.

Time seriously seems to be shooting thru this year, I haben had the chance to recollect yet. From countdowns, her b'day, off days, pay days, which days(?) to make-ups/makeouts, break-ups/breakdowns...Life has been blurred.

Either memory capacity are decreasing or too much inconsequential stuffs happened. I can't remember why or what I was so preoccupied with, and I can't recall why I felt so 'busy' and tired. Or maybe, I tired out my mind THINKING of things I wanna do but never actually did. This is weird...the phyiscal presence feels very detached from the spiritual soul. This muz be twlight zone.

I have read how our human system has an innate ability to protect and react to adverse conditions. My hard disk must be preventing disk corruption, and the resulting defragmentation found lost clusters. Or my motherboard could no longer respond to the demands of intensified RAM/graphics of Life. In summary, I am an outdated model. And my system is hanging. I pales in comparison to the WINDOW 7s models. Duo-cored rocks, not hardcored.

Too bad i am a poor man's son. So the son of son of son is destined to be poor and poor and poor. When u have no money, your system cannot be upgraded. You will be blamed for not trying hard enough, for not having enough drive, for not living up to expectations. You are useless for not making your own life better. You are not smart enough to conjure nothing out of thin air. You are the reason why you fail.

But if you are a rich man's son, oh you are not 'blessed'! Your life is so 'normal' too in a cushy apartment or landed area. It's your old man's money, not yours. You also have to work hard to succeed. And if you are successful, it's becos you have great drive, foresight and talent. Nothing to do with the fact your old man pay for your overseas degree. Nothing to do with the fact he has got deep pockets for you to fail and fail again until you make it. Nothing to do with the fact that you can continue his legacy if you can't make it. It's not about connections, it's not about having more options in life. You are smart and you thoroughly deserve it.

What a load of crap, rich bastards.