Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is for the hypocritical fence-sitting friends

I knew I have a violent streak inside. Esp when agitated, esp when drunk.

Anyone who is close enough or have spend some time with me would have witness this flaw. It must have taken one of my buddies some courage (plus half a bottle of Chivas) to tell me this in my face. I heard alot of truth that night...and I am thankful for your honesty. With this volatile temperament, not many would want to incur my wrath.

I am consistently biased, very opinionated and very difficult to get along. I knew that all along. It's something I consciously live with, something I try to suppress all the time. With age, I have better control. Still, an idiot is never too far away to try my limits.

'That's why he has lesser frens now..' '..he's just like a walking timebomb...' '...dun let him drink so much lah...' are some of the things I heard that night. Some from my buddy's mouth, some quoted from others. I am not angry with the remarks, but rather upset...but everyone is entitled to their opinions too. When most start having a similar impression of this sorts, there must be some truth. I do agreed with most but I felt rather pointless to defend myself. Everyone does love a good-looking chap, who is nice, friendly and almost neutral outwardly to the extent that he seems like an angel. This person definitely has his own opinions about you or the situation. He is just too 'nice' to let you know.

I hate fence-sitters. They are indecisive, they sway, and they fear to stand up for their themselves. Some will call them 'peace-loving' but I call them cowards. With logic and sense as a benchmark, it's ok to speak up and be heard. It's VERY ok to know how to agree to disagree or vice versa. It's not about challenging each other, it's about the whole existence of yourself. As long as there is mutual respect for one another, we should expose our minds to others and learn or listen. Aren't you being hypocritical when you fail to speak your mind instead?

It's ok to disagree with me. I won't swallow you, hit you or kill you. If you think you make sense and GENUINELY wants to communicate your thinking, DO IT god dammit!! Being genuine is about conveying your thoughts across, and it's not about embarrassing others, winning the debate or making yourself look good. So bloodly stop being so self-righteous when your motives is less than commending.

I am not Superman. And he wears his red undies outside, so what say you?

PS : I dun need you to love me, I am juz being myself. I spark only when tested, only when it's about you versus me. An Aries never back down from a challenge (if YOU wants it to be one). I defend when being attacked. I am not a troublemaker, please get that into your fucking head. Having an above-average look, wealth or body frame is a BONUS. It does not make you any better than the rest of us. Pray hard you still have the same attributes in your next life.