Monday, October 19, 2009

It could have been the start of something beautiful.

3 days was all it took for the emotions to surge and dived back to normality.

I was intrigued, impressed, confused, perplexed, disappointed and calmed, one after the other in a matter of 72 hrs. My heart muz have had a decent workout. After careful assessment and adequate research to back my findings, it has been comfirmed that close encounter with a feminine form can caused delusional thoughts or behaviour. Alcohol not included.

There's definitely wistfulness about the situation, as it could have been positive. But this is very subjective as it's a one-sided sentiment. Maybe those broken flakes of love bits haven't been stirred for awhile...and with the slightest of arousal, they flew into a raging mess. Irregardless, it's time to step down from this emotional rollercoaster before the ride becomes too tough to handle. Imagine my mind torn between the war of thoughts over nothing. I think I need to be overhauled for tapping on wrong signals and vibes.

I still think she is one attractive character. And I also believe she is better off where she is now, without excess interferences.

Unless Fate forbids.