Sunday, August 9, 2009

When is it too late to dream?

Lately I have been inspired by this young Taiwanese gal named 蚊子. Watching all her videos on youtube excites me, as much as make me sad.

In this elitist society like Singapore, accademic excellence is more important than talent in creative arts. With a degree, you are almost assured of a decent payout. Our system here have the opportunities and placements for the 'smart ones' (not necessary intelligent..) and professional designations are revered by most. It's definitely a path less trodden for the 'arty farties', given the developed status of the country.'s not too bad least the government is trying to put something in place with arts festivals, sports school and some other nonsense. The sad part is maybe I have missed the boat, passed my prime and with aching bones plus escalating weight, I can't see how am I going to dance like little 蚊子. Shake a little can't imagine.

Someone told me 'when u badly want something the world will conspire to make it happen...'

It's very very encouraging (thanx M***lyn!)...BUT will anyone still be interested to see an old fart sing and dance...tight pants, tummy and all by then?