Sunday, August 2, 2009


2:25 a.m.

7 hours away from work, 3 days away from off day, coming 2 months away from you.

Life goes on. Cos I not not dead. Though a part of me died, when I started walking alone. I might not gain many 'approval nods', I found my resonance in others too. Definitely more fastidious, but still empathic....more awareness and less patronising.

Too many faces out there everyday for me to draw any relevance or connection. Other than the handful I withdrawn into, I shut off from the daily crowd. I hear nothing from hints from the brain, no clues from the heart. I feel like I am submerged in my own realm, everything is surreal already. I feel lonely. I feel alone.

I listen to others' tales...tales of love, of lust or watever. And I smirked. Cos I know they are all the same. It's like a vicious cycle, to and fro till an entity or emotion is no more. I have finally submits to Life's dealer hands and refuses to put anymore stakes. We juz never win, rite? No matter how much we try... we juz never win.

If it's already plotted, already pre-planned...shall I wait for whatever is coming? If so many are living a life so unjustified, why do I go on justifying mine? Dear Almightly (if there's any..), how do you judge and determine our journeys? Why are there farkers driving lambos, idiots acting like rambos, while some are living in limbos?

Are you juz as flawed as us?