Things go wrong. Screw-ups. Cheated. Failed relationships. Sorry states etc. etc...
When unfortunate stuffs happen one time too many, it's a case of misfortune, victimisation or just plain bad luck?
Everyone of us will have our share of ups and downs, that's Life. But if history keeps repeating itself and we keep finding ourselves in bad situations again and again, I think we need to take a better look at ourselves and reflect. Maybe you are too stubborn everytime, maybe you are too much of a careless risk-taker, maybe you are too insistent in your own beliefs, maybe you are too temperamental, maybe you are too naive...maybe maybe maybe...
Maybe you have a problem.
We are uniquely different, with strengths and flaws aplenty. And differences can complement or breeds friction. I believe we should have adequate self-reflection from time to time and ask ourselves if a problem arises due to external factors or self-instigated. With the capacity to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn and discover more about ourselves on our fundamental natures, essences and beliefs, we can moderate the probability of events turning out for the worse. It requires effort, conscious deliberation and an awareness for consequential actions to minimise or resolve conflicts and undesirable situations.
You are the master of your own destiny and you live with the consequences of your choices. You are what you want to be and no one owns you a living. Instead of asking/blaming/whinning why bad situations seem to fancy you, maybe you should wonder why it is always you and not anyone else.
Stop being a victim to yourself.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Posted by Sam G at 3:31:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Small indulgences which I took for granted before, are unaffordable now and maybe, soon to be forgotton. It takes some getting used to, with shifting perspectives on Life.
Hobbies are being negotiated for new responsibilities and personal pleasures/habits are being compromised. I am conscious that living a married life, requires a certain degree of sacrifice, understanding and acceptance. There's no more place for individualism and the general well-being of the family must be considered. My ideology of self has since fallen down the pecking order of priorities. I am not only adapting to my new role, I am also redefining the value of self and seeking my identity in this current capacity.
First and foremost, I wanna be happy. I always believe this is wat everyone deserves, and we have a choice to be so. Every action or decision should sustain, if not elevate happiness for a better well-being. Substantial sensibility and responsibility are needed to attain appropriate action/decision in achieving tat. Ironically, to be happy with self also means you have to be happy with others and vice versa. In summary, 'being happy' is not only an individual act of intent. It is a concerted effort of those involved, be it a couple, a family or a work force.
But how do we make 2 unique individuals, with different personality/preference, happy together? Throw in 2-3 more characters and the situation gets even more feisty. I am learning in this steep curve of discovery tat this is an extremely challenging process. Though there is no idiot's guide in getting around the complexities of human relationship other than being hands on, it's not exactly rocket science either. I personally feel, the baseline is to have the willingness to make better and exercise the flexibility to adopt or adapt. Most importantly, this sentiment has to be mutual. It's futile when only one party is catering, while the other juz receive; it takes 2 to tango.
It's definitely a delicate task finding common ground to tread on, in the midst of assorted personalities. I am trying my very best to accomodate without losing my own identity. Co-existence requires mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. It is also a journey of discovery to know yourself and each other better.
And hopefully, with happiness as the icing on the cake.
Posted by Sam G at 8:26:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
In retrospect.
I am relieved a knot has been undone.
Posted by Sam G at 5:26:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 25, 2011
Life, getting to know the unknown.
9 mths ago, I wouldn't have know the life I am having now.
9 mths from now, I am going to be a father.
Life, you juz never know where the next turn is going to bring you.
We all have our dreams, expectations and aspirations. And we have our doubts, fears and worries. How are all these factors going to affect us? How much are they going to drive or hinder us? How much do you need to take a step into the unknown?
We walk on nonetheless, making choices along the way. We live to find out, if tat choice is appropriate or regrettable...and we will walk on again, making choices once more. It's doesn't matter if it's a right or wrong decision, it's about making A DECISION. Tat's how we find out, tat's how we grow, tat's how memories are formed, tat's how lessons are learned.
Why fear, if all of us will reach the end eventually? Life is about making choices, getting to know the unknown. Why wait till it's too late, when the eventual end comes and you no longer have choices anymore?
Live to regret or regret to live?
I choose the former.
Regretting to live is a lifetime of sadness. Living to regret will only wisen you up to making better decision the next time. Regrets are bound to be aplenty for everyone of us. If only we had known earlier, no one will be making mistakes anymore. Then Life will not be Life, Life will juz be a prefixed routine in perfect working order. Life will be safe and mundane. No more expectations, beautiful memories, painful lessons, happiness or sadness. Life will be so dead.
If you are hesitant in comtemplating your next move, take a leap of faith. Maybe say a slient prayer but be brave to take tat step. Much as it could be a potentially regrettable episode, it could also be the best move you make your whole life. This unique journey of living, with twists and turns is exactly wat living is all about.
Everyone loves the perfect fairytale story. Even if ours are less than perfect along the way, we are still entitled to that beautiful fairytale ending.
And you gotta make tat 1st step.
Posted by Sam G at 4:21:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
Believing the belief.
Life muz be a perpectual prankster with wicked humour to boot.
How else can I explain the quick succession of difficulties, right after every relief arrives?
I dun hold great ambition or attempt lofy achievement. I am juz a normal man, trying to live a normal life in a normal manner...with my best efforts.
The events I am going through now will not stand in good stead with most. I have defy most conventional practices in my pursuit of Love and Happiness. I have been rendered irrational, nonchalant to social acceptance and lost. No one will understand the faith and belief I hold in my insistence to keep walking this journey. It's not easy and you dun need a genius to attest to that.
But it's a journey never meant for the weak-willed anyway. And I am brave, Love will keep me going.
It's nothing wrong to judge, to shun away, to criticise. It's juz too easy to do all that. And I do not need endorsers to tell me I am right. I made a choice and I am standing by it. And watever comes, so be it. If Life decided to fire me her best shot, I will try my best to return serve. And I will die trying.
If there's one belief that has never waiver all these years, it is Love. Love makes me happy and sad. Love makes me feel alive and worse than death. Love offers much and steals everything. Love makes me complete. Love will not fail me. And I found her.
She will be my wife and the mother of my child. Period.
Sometimes you juz gotta believe. Even when odds are stacked against you. Then you won't juz have a life.
You live it.
Posted by Sam G at 4:57:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Life revisited
Life could have been different. But then again, Life is already different.
Sometimes we are juz prisoners of our own dreams and ideals, chained down by the chase for perfection. the younger you are, the harder you chase...the older you become, the further your dreams get. You sober up eventually, older but none the wiser and Life still kick your butt as always.
Dreams do come true, and fairytales do exist. The only problem is there are simply too many of us, too different and unique as a single individual to be chasing the same thing. Dreams are like fingerprints, available to all but special only to you. One man's dream might juz be another's nightmare.
Thus, idealism is a lonely affair.
Living can be happier with alit contentment, acceptance and realisation. Reality has to be buffered in. Perhaps, only fools can dream all day long.
But Life suffer no fools. Sooner or later, we all submit to her rules.
Posted by Sam G at 3:51:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Another day, another year.
I hardly mention anything about this particular day here. Maybe the novelty of celebrations has worn off...or maybe some events aren't worth mentioning anymore. Anyway it's juz another day and Life goes on.
Phyiscally, I do feel MUCH older..hip-twisting and back breaking maneuvers had long been relegated to memories. I lost much weight though, and it feels weird to be wearing pants or shorts which have deserted me years back. There is still as much angst, albeit with better restrain. Other than thinner hair, prominent crows' feet and softer muscles, nothing change. I am still very much me.
Generally, I feel fine. And I have her, which makes me happy.
Ideally, I wish Life could have been closer to expectation...sigh. Tat's Life.
Happy B'day Sam.
Posted by Sam G at 10:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tots
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A word that comprises so many different forms of understanding...a word so powerful, it has staked its place throughout history to grace the greatest stories, the most tragic of tales or the most foolish of acts.
Can we really grasp the full significance of Love?
Selfless..unconditional...undying...for better or worse...frequent proclaimations of love heard, but how many actually live by them? I see more selfishness and self-centeredness instead. How many actually place their love ones before themselves? How many of us actually bother how the other person feel instead of ourselves? How many of us really know wat's love is all about?
Love is like having tat person being the epicenter of your everything and vice versa. You practically live and die by irrational willingness to submit your life completely to the unpredictability of Love's nature. A purveyor of 'true' love..or a realistic trader of requited love? Sigh. (My mentor always says 'Love is love and Love will be love'.)
Maybe only fools can live to tell the greatest love stories, since they are foolish enough to disregard logicality and justification.
Are you foolish enough to love?
Posted by Sam G at 9:06:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You are so haunted by fragments of truth, delibrate ignorance can't help anymore.
They are everywhere, aren't they?
Persistent shadows lurking among your memory, waiting to pounce on your disturbed mind. You can't fight them at all...the harder you try, the more they are going to choke you. Traces of past left their footprints silently, but your sensitivity manifested them into your worse nightmares. The mind screams for a reprieve, begging happiness to stop it from wandering.
But the ghosts are everywhere. And they remind you from time to time.
You can do nothing about it. You can't kill ghosts. They are long dead and buried, tucked away with Time. But they are trapped within yourself, you allow them to live on and allow yourself to wallow in their shadows. And they will not spare you any mercy.
They are everywhere. You can run, but you can never hide. And they are going to make your life a living hell.
Soon you will be a ghost yourself. Soon.
Posted by Sam G at 6:39:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Delirium is sudden severe confusion and rapid changes in brain function that occur with physical or mental illness.
I wonder if I am edging towards mental dysfunction.
For all I know, I might juz be hanging by my last ounce of sanity. I move between various state of minds and experience drastic mood swings so frequently, I am losing sense of my identity. I feel the lurking devil within growing...instigating me to unleash the violence capped inside. I vision scenes of me killing people and actually feel good about it. Their pain comfort me and I love the sight of their blood draining them lifeless slowly. It is so real. I can almost smell their blood on my hands.
But no. It's juz another dreadful dream. I wake up sometimes and shrudder at the thought of myself becoming a monster. Is that me? Is that what my subconscious secretly wanted to do?
I am upset definitely, by the injustice of Life to befall some...while allowing some to get away. My righteousness is warped by the inconsistency of this flawed system, prompting me to dish out 'justice' on my perceived value. In my system, it's very simple. Either you are alive or you are dead, and many of us do not deserve to live at this moment. I will pardon or condemn you according to my values. I will melt out a punishment so severe, you wish you were dead. But I will keep you juz alive, so that you can go thru pain again and again.
Scary? Yes. Sadistic? No. It's the least some of these bastards deserve. Perverse? Yes. And it's very disturbing.
No one is greater than the law and killing bastards doesn't relieve me of a criminal offence. I can't endorse my motives based on the disliking for those people. Maybe that's why those recurring dreams. Becos only in this virtual realm, can my sinful deeds be accomodated and sentence those on my death list to living hell. Only by reenacting these gory dreams, will my frustrations be contained under a rational lid.
But it's so, so dangerous. There's no knowing when/how this lid will open.
Posted by Sam G at 9:00:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Past tense, present tense.
Staring out the window, I hear chirping birds welcoming the day. The cool peace of morning beckons a fresh start...traces from the night before, all but buried with the passing of Time. This is the routine of Life, going ahead with no sympathy for our past. Memories reminded our deeds...though some choose to remember, some choose to forget. But there's no denying the imprints on Time, for she had been there to see. It's an irreversible mark on a lifeline. And it's not a death sentence. Every face conceals a journey with tales to spare.
You seek at your own discretion, some tales are not meant for the weak to listen. Harping on them does not change events from the past. Instead, you get swallowed by the brutality of honesty and lose yourself in the present.
The present will become a past once it's gone and I dun wan a lifetime of regrets.
Dun be silly anymore.
Posted by Sam G at 8:00:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Connecting with REAL life.
I deleted my Facebook recently. Nope I didn't lose a limb, the world still spins and my life goes on.
I am getting more and more out of sync with the modern world. I can't understand the fixation on smart fones for most commuters taking public transport. I can't understand the constant need to refresh pages of FB, Tweeters to view updates. I can't understand the devotion to abuse your fone while having meals, while working, while having real concerns to be contended with. On the the the offices...even in see people enslaved by gadgets.
To add on to my 'bewilderment', I dun understand why they enjoy telling every mother's son you juz had the most expensive sushi in town, or your dog juz poo-ed on your sofa. Some even geo-tagged the exact location they are taking a dump. Juz becoz you are on my frens' list doesn't mean I am keen to know your daily bullshits, send me irritating invites to games/events/applications and flood me with snippets of your latest indulgence. Or stalk my profile, checking thru every corner of my virtual domain and assume you know me inside out from the links/pics/comments I posted. Seriously, 'poking' me won't earn you brownie points and I dun care if you 'unfriend' me becos you are pissed. I dun even bother if you are in a relationship with a hippo, as long as my facebook homepage doesn't show you making out with one.
Thanx but no thanx, but I think you should have a life.
I am sick with this obssessive dependence on these social networking platforms which is diluting the essence of real-time bonding. You dun make memories, build rapport, sustain a relationship by hiding behind a virtual personality. When the only connection you are bothered with, is the bandwidth from your are either one lonely techie rat or a pathetic, self-deluded dude who think having 3000 frens/followers is going to make you a mini superstar. All these interactive tools/advancements were created with noble intents but has sadly degenerated the basis of humanity. People are now contended with clicking their greetings/love/well-wishes in the shortest time to the widest reach possible. Declining birthrates, erosion of social grace/skills, burgling waistlines and failing eyesights are not a coincidence. These were the seeds sown from our own doings and we are going to be further penalised if we dun utilize them appropriately. But maybe the world is too blinded and steepd in oblivion to realise this anymore.
I am thankful to those who still care enough to catch up with me in person, especially my lovely darling who think the world of spending every single moment with me. I might not be as well-connected as you, but at least I dun spend hours accessing thousands megabytes of data and letting my existence by undermined by 'pokes', 'likes' and 'invites'.
Well, maybe you can try adding Mark Zuckerberg as fren instead. I am sure he dun mind getting poked by you.
Posted by Sam G at 5:13:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I didn't know when it came and I didn't realise when it went away.
The fervor towards beautiful expressions with incisive words faltered without any whimper. I am aghast by my unconscious desertion of literacy writing, which has immersed me in great joy to encompass a more inclusive and expansive perspective of my thoughts.
I thought the act of writing itself, is sufficient to gain proficiency.
Until I can no longer summon better words from a dwindling collection of vocabulary (with a much-strained brain to match), only did I realise that practice do INDEED makes perfect...BUT the wrong practice makes it permanent.
I seriously need to write seriously again.
*Words do not have to be extravagant to be understood. It's more like conjucting them in the best possible manner to create a mental visual or describe a particular sentiment. Thoughts that are written as intimately as possible, do convey and highlight the emotion felt during composing. By literalising my thoughts, I relieve the need to be heard, to be understood or compensate for the tiring pretense to be obligatory. Always express, never impress.
Posted by Sam G at 6:56:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tots
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Counting down to your last breath.
Tick tock tick tock, your end is near,
tick tock tick tock, cos I am here.
To crush your face in,
or to break one of your limbs,
tick tock tick tock, wait till I am sure.
If you are down, I'll make it worse,
if you are better now, I'll make your pain immerse.
That death becomes a luxury,
when living compounds every misery,
tick tock tick tock, in living hell you submerse.
Just you wait, you bastardly creep,
I'll strike so hard, you pray I am quick.
I will reenact your act,
and multiply the impact,
With pleasure, your demise I seek.
Tick tock tick tock, it won't be too long,
tick tock tick tock, you better be strong,
for what fun is it?
to weep when I hit?
Tick tock ticking to your death's song.
Posted by Sam G at 5:31:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A line away.
Love, as it is.
I have never been braver... yet also juz as highly susceptical to frailties. It's a sentiment tat musters courage and at the same time, invokes a huge sense of unpredictability. The safe zone is gone. I have decided on a journey with the barest of resources. Each step is slowly treaded, albeit recklessly at times. I am relishing the new role I am having, even though there's much to learn. The mindset has to be reset, priorities re-prioritise.
And then there are characters from her past to contend with. People which I never want to see again and the mere mention of some of their names bring rage. I wish I could kill them, literally...but I can't. I have never been tat particular, I wonder if it's directly proportional to the love I have for her. My mind is tipped to the verge of insanity, hold back only by the comfort of her phyiscal presence and love. I couldn't bear thinking the hardship and bad fortune to plight her, some of which are caused by assholes who deserve to be slaugthered. I am fighting hard to suppress the urge of retaliation. It's scary knowing wat I will do if I fail to keep it rein in...and lose the beautiful life I am having now. May the inner devil never win this fight.
One moment is all it takes to change or end everything. That's how easy to reduce all promises, assurances and hopes into nothing. While I put my heart and soul into growing this seed of love, a looming shadow of uncertainty might juz be waiting to strike. Fate has the trump card to crush all your stakes. You can do nothing about it and you can't beg for mercy. Wishing and praying suddenly feel so redundant. I will be on the receiving end no matter wat. You juz dunno wat you are going to receive.
How pathetic! For a man's worth and resolve is not able to rebel against the intangible influence of destiny. How many have sigh and shed tears, resigning to the higher force of Fate?
But I am insane and crazily in love. If I have to wage the biggest war of my life to stake my intent, then bring the battle on. For no supreme powers nor the most impossible odds have the rights to deprive a man of his will to plot his own destiny.
A thin line separates the foolish from the brave.
Posted by Sam G at 7:24:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Behind every door.
Life is like one big house with many empty rooms.
You explored the 1st room and started furnishing it with your first ornaments, decorating it to the way you deemed fit. You chose the colour, arranged the furnitures, adding and removing things, again and again...until nothing you can do, can refresh this room anymore. Maybe the colour wasn't rite, maybe the room is too overwhelmed with stuffs now, maybe you juz didn't like this room anymore. What happen next?
Some choose to stay on in the same room and grow to be unhappy. Some walk out, lock the door and go on to the next room. For those who walk on, the process repeats itself again, until the same ending occurs or finally they are satisfied with the last room. Some, after going through rooms, decided that maybe along the way, that particular one before is still wat they fancy and went back again. Some keep on searching for that perfect room...some might ended up 'roomless'.
Behind every door tells a story. Some are locked away, never to be seen again. But no matter wat, every experience with different rooms left something in you.
And hopefully, you find the right room to rest eventually.
Posted by Sam G at 11:05:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 7, 2011
Killer instinct
How do you hone and sharpen your killer instincts?
By getting perpectually angry over and over again, with the same tot, getting familiar with the bastards who planted this angst and letting this frustation manifest. Then channel all this anger into strength to shape and train your mind, body and reflexes to the pinacle of your phyical self, while preparing the inner devil to wait patiently and lurk. When the time arises, they will be dealt with, with the best destruction you can muster and their pleas will be drowned with the disintegration of their bodies and souls.
In one swift, deadly blow.
Posted by Sam G at 3:42:00 AM 0 comments
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