Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Connecting with REAL life.

I deleted my Facebook recently. Nope I didn't lose a limb, the world still spins and my life goes on.

I am getting more and more out of sync with the modern world. I can't understand the fixation on smart fones for most commuters taking public transport. I can't understand the constant need to refresh pages of FB, Tweeters to view updates. I can't understand the devotion to abuse your fone while having meals, while working, while having real concerns to be contended with. On the streets...in the lifts...in the offices...even in toilets...you see people enslaved by gadgets.

To add on to my 'bewilderment', I dun understand why they enjoy telling every mother's son you juz had the most expensive sushi in town, or your dog juz poo-ed on your sofa. Some even geo-tagged the exact location they are taking a dump. Juz becoz you are on my frens' list doesn't mean I am keen to know your daily bullshits, send me irritating invites to games/events/applications and flood me with snippets of your latest indulgence. Or stalk my profile, checking thru every corner of my virtual domain and assume you know me inside out from the links/pics/comments I posted. Seriously, 'poking' me won't earn you brownie points and I dun care if you 'unfriend' me becos you are pissed. I dun even bother if you are in a relationship with a hippo, as long as my facebook homepage doesn't show you making out with one.

Thanx but no thanx, but I think you should have a life.

I am sick with this obssessive dependence on these social networking platforms which is diluting the essence of real-time bonding. You dun make memories, build rapport, sustain a relationship by hiding behind a virtual personality. When the only connection you are bothered with, is the bandwidth from your provider...you are either one lonely techie rat or a pathetic, self-deluded dude who think having 3000 frens/followers is going to make you a mini superstar. All these interactive tools/advancements were created with noble intents but has sadly degenerated the basis of humanity. People are now contended with clicking their greetings/love/well-wishes in the shortest time to the widest reach possible. Declining birthrates, erosion of social grace/skills, burgling waistlines and failing eyesights are not a coincidence. These were the seeds sown from our own doings and we are going to be further penalised if we dun utilize them appropriately. But maybe the world is too blinded and steepd in oblivion to realise this anymore.

I am thankful to those who still care enough to catch up with me in person, especially my lovely darling who think the world of spending every single moment with me. I might not be as well-connected as you, but at least I dun spend hours accessing thousands megabytes of data and letting my existence by undermined by 'pokes', 'likes' and 'invites'.

Well, maybe you can try adding Mark Zuckerberg as fren instead. I am sure he dun mind getting poked by you.