Saturday, January 22, 2011

Behind every door.

Life is like one big house with many empty rooms.

You explored the 1st room and started furnishing it with your first ornaments, decorating it to the way you deemed fit. You chose the colour, arranged the furnitures, adding and removing things, again and again...until nothing you can do, can refresh this room anymore. Maybe the colour wasn't rite, maybe the room is too overwhelmed with stuffs now, maybe you juz didn't like this room anymore. What happen next?

Some choose to stay on in the same room and grow to be unhappy. Some walk out, lock the door and go on to the next room. For those who walk on, the process repeats itself again, until the same ending occurs or finally they are satisfied with the last room. Some, after going through rooms, decided that maybe along the way, that particular one before is still wat they fancy and went back again. Some keep on searching for that perfect room...some might ended up 'roomless'.

Behind every door tells a story. Some are locked away, never to be seen again. But no matter wat, every experience with different rooms left something in you.

And hopefully, you find the right room to rest eventually.