Monday, November 29, 2010

We are going for a long, long journey.

I am happy, ever since I found you, contrary to perceived perception.

Of cos, Love, is the ultimate rollercoaster with highs and lows with every twists and turns. What matters is the rite person with me on this ride..and I am thankful it's you. Days become more meaningful and priorities got realigned. Armed with a resolution in mind, I embarked on a journey, hoping to reach my eventual destination. Along the way, there are bound to be obstacles and hiccups, I keep my fingers cross that we will emerge stronger from such and last the distance.

I am not superman, professional liar nor fortune-teller.

I can't possibly forsee wat the future beholds, proclaim words of eternity, give empty promise of assurances or perform superhuman feats. I am as fearful, highly mindful of every steps and as hopful for fairy-tale's ending. I can be juz as beaten, down or lost every once in awhile...hurt and sadden by situations beyond my anticipation. And I do need you to be there, being my pillar of strength, juz like how I will be yours.

But I have faith. And your love to keep.

I have embraced the fact that this is one arduous journey that is going to stretch my capacities and resolves. And I am not going to give up on us until you do. If there's one regret I harbour, it's the thought that why did we meet each other only now. We could have done away with alot of our regrettable mistakes before. Sigh.

But you are here now anyway, and better late than never, isn't it? For even if Time was to rewind, I wouldn't have done anything differently.

Walk on with me, darling.

'If either of us fears mending broken heart,
I pray, till Death do us part.' ~ Sam G