Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crossing paths.

‎1 Universe, 8 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, 6 Billion People & our paths crossed. Why?

32 years down the road, I muz have met people in the thousands. Some came and left such an impression, you still remember them till this day. Some, you wish you could hav meet them earlier...some, you hope you have never, ever encounter them.

Some called this Fate.

Without A & B, you won't meet C. Every individual seems to be slotted perfectly into a timechart and appeared according to sequence, no more no less. Everyone bought and left something behind and everyone has a role to shape the man I am to become. You can't pre-empt their arrivals, you can't hurried their departures; When the time is up, they all leave you somehow. This cycle continues until you cease to become an entity of this amazing equation. Your timechart ends, so does your existence in others' charts.

And this is Life.

In good faith of the greater intelligence from above, this natural cycle of occurences helps to disperse enlightenment throughout one's life journey. You learn, by experience or mistake, thru people and places you meet, and decide if you wanna persist or change your choice of living. For better or worse, you are entitled to make a judgement from these pre-arranged encounters, and choose to turn left or right.

And this is Destiny.

Maybe I am fated to meet you in this lifetime, but I have a say whether you are out or in of it.

And we always hav a choice.