Sunday, November 21, 2010

You, you and you

Love. Always at the swinging extremes.

But I am loving it. For if you can't feel the most extreme pain, how do you cherish the sweetest love? It's all part of the package I guess. I dunno wat tomorrow brings. And I dun wanna know. Wat really matters is now.

Although I long for so much more, it's not within my control. I grasp today as if it's my last, and I count my blessings if Tomorrow do comes again. Life is so short and unpredictable, why worry over the intangibles?

How often do you meet someone with spectacular chemistry effortlessly? Sometimes not even in a lifetime.

It all started from an initial feeling of probability which manifested into reality. I still need to slap myself hard a few times to know this is not juz my imagination. You are here, juz right beside and irregardless of the short duration we had with each other, I already believe we were destined to cross paths. Whether I'll see you at the finishing point is not important...cos as on now, we will walk together. The day comes if either one of us is to depart prematurely, we should be much consoled that we were ever on the same journey before.

With faith, we will carry on. With mutual love, things can't go wrong.

And I love u so, so much.

I regretted meeting you onli now, but I might not have your heart if we were to meet earlier. Everything in Life has the right time and place at the right moment. If both of us didn't travel the paths we did then, we might never, ever have each other today.

I can already picture you old, fat and wrinkled. And I will still be loving you.

Be the olive mama in my life pls. *hugs*