I am happy, ever since I found you, contrary to perceived perception.
Of cos, Love, is the ultimate rollercoaster with highs and lows with every twists and turns. What matters is the rite person with me on this ride..and I am thankful it's you. Days become more meaningful and priorities got realigned. Armed with a resolution in mind, I embarked on a journey, hoping to reach my eventual destination. Along the way, there are bound to be obstacles and hiccups, I keep my fingers cross that we will emerge stronger from such and last the distance.
I am not superman, professional liar nor fortune-teller.
I can't possibly forsee wat the future beholds, proclaim words of eternity, give empty promise of assurances or perform superhuman feats. I am as fearful, highly mindful of every steps and as hopful for fairy-tale's ending. I can be juz as beaten, down or lost every once in awhile...hurt and sadden by situations beyond my anticipation. And I do need you to be there, being my pillar of strength, juz like how I will be yours.
But I have faith. And your love to keep.
I have embraced the fact that this is one arduous journey that is going to stretch my capacities and resolves. And I am not going to give up on us until you do. If there's one regret I harbour, it's the thought that why did we meet each other only now. We could have done away with alot of our regrettable mistakes before. Sigh.
But you are here now anyway, and better late than never, isn't it? For even if Time was to rewind, I wouldn't have done anything differently.
Walk on with me, darling.
'If either of us fears mending broken heart,
I pray, till Death do us part.' ~ Sam G
Monday, November 29, 2010
We are going for a long, long journey.
Posted by Sam G at 8:08:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Jealousy is a pain.
It instigates your mind to throw wild accussation at your beloved and set false alarm ringing. You lose sense of rationality and start doubting everything under the sun. Your mind keeps refreshing tat darned moment over and over again. Your pupils dilated, nostrils spewing imaginary fire and to match your raging emotion, your brain decided tat you juz hav to kill tat mother fucker.
Thankfully, better sense prevails and after some logical summarising, you realised you are juz a silly, silly boy. By doubting the situation, you are slapping yourself in the face. You wanted to be with her cos she is special and different from other gals, no? If you affirmed she is tat special and you already won her heart, why starts doubting your own judgement and credibility? Relax, dude.
Take a break. Breathe deep. Calm down.
Dun be silly, Sam.
Posted by Sam G at 2:45:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
Heavy. As if weighed down by a thousand tons. The heart, for once, lost its tenacity to pump.
Sunken legs dragged fallen body home. He was within proximity, but he couldn't send his goodbye kisses. His eyes would betray his concealed emotions and he knew he can never pretend a smile. He wanted to see her. He waited and got disappointed. She was so near, yet so far. They were 5 mins apart and he has to hurried himself away. Clutching the gift with defeated hands, it has to be another day.
His fingers spoke sadness at every stoke of his piano's keys. Listen...juz listen. For if he still remember how to weep, he would not have seek reprieve from his melodies. He bolted his door from within and hide, for the helplessness is back to haunt. The dreaded feeling came, more impactful than the last and almost drained his life away. He has to be stronger than this. He has to brace himself for the next hit. He didn't know his heart was so fragile.
Loneliness is a state of mind. Juz like now.
And his heart is still stinging from the fresh wound.
Posted by Sam G at 3:36:00 AM 0 comments
Love, game, set.
How do you play a game of tennis by yrself? Hit against the wall? Play against a tennis-ball spewing machine? Hit ball after ball into the wilderness?
When are you going to return serve and engage me further?
Love is selfish. Love can be selfless too. And I rather choose the latter.
Love should be unconditional...love should always be mutual. Why would you want the person you love to become the one you can love? Shouldn't you love her for wat she is? No point dictating her life, wat she can or cannot do, what you can do for her, what you have plan for the future...
Does she even want it at all? Have you ask wat she wanted at all?
End of the day, the so-called love for her...is it more like love for self? Becos you love to see her like this, becos you love to see her like tat...does she even love tat at all?
I think it all boils down to the person. Do you love being yrself or love being the person the other can love?
I would love you to be you, so tat I can love being myself to love you.
Posted by Sam G at 12:03:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Life, as it is.
“as we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to let you down probably will. you will have your heart broken probably more than once and its harder every time. you’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. you’ll fight with your best friend. you’ll blame a new love for the things an old one did. you’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love… so take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you’ll never get back.” – Rosalyn Lee
Posted by Sam G at 4:13:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
You, you and you
Love. Always at the swinging extremes.
But I am loving it. For if you can't feel the most extreme pain, how do you cherish the sweetest love? It's all part of the package I guess. I dunno wat tomorrow brings. And I dun wanna know. Wat really matters is now.
Although I long for so much more, it's not within my control. I grasp today as if it's my last, and I count my blessings if Tomorrow do comes again. Life is so short and unpredictable, why worry over the intangibles?
How often do you meet someone with spectacular chemistry effortlessly? Sometimes not even in a lifetime.
It all started from an initial feeling of probability which manifested into reality. I still need to slap myself hard a few times to know this is not juz my imagination. You are here, juz right beside and irregardless of the short duration we had with each other, I already believe we were destined to cross paths. Whether I'll see you at the finishing point is not important...cos as on now, we will walk together. The day comes if either one of us is to depart prematurely, we should be much consoled that we were ever on the same journey before.
With faith, we will carry on. With mutual love, things can't go wrong.
And I love u so, so much.
I regretted meeting you onli now, but I might not have your heart if we were to meet earlier. Everything in Life has the right time and place at the right moment. If both of us didn't travel the paths we did then, we might never, ever have each other today.
I can already picture you old, fat and wrinkled. And I will still be loving you.
Be the olive mama in my life pls. *hugs*
Posted by Sam G at 4:08:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lost and found, lost and found again.
I look forward to seeing you everyday, reading your new smses, hearing your voice, the things we can be doing together...
But is it juz wishful thinking on my end?
Until you are sure, I can never be assured. I dread the feeling of waking up to news which are going to derail the journey which we are embarking on. As I am waiting rite here for your call now, I wonder if your call is ever going to come...even if it does, what are u going to say on the other end? I hate myself whenever you are tormented..again and again...look what my love has done to you? Will you be happier if I have never appear? Are you so used to the life before me that subconsciously, you are hesitant to change? Should I juz...go silently and return you to the life you were having before?
I am juz as affected whenever you slump back to your uncertainties. I am new, I have nothing much to offer, I can't even do half of wat he used to do. I always believe Love should be the fundamental of any relationship. Cos with Love, everything is attainable and nothing else matters. I have no doubts your desire to be together is as strong as mine, but your constant waivering due to guilt, fear and panic are not doing us a favour. I will be there, as long as u want me to. But assure me too, for I am only a man, who also needs your strength to keep on going.
Don't keep me waiting. Don't keep going back to your past anymore.
Like I say, when I dun cry, it doesn't mean I am not hurt. It only makes the pain more unbearable.
Posted by Sam G at 6:59:00 PM 0 comments
For whom the bell toasts.
And so a new chapter officially begins.
After bouts of unpleasantries, the dust finally, gradually settled. Speculations are still rife, but I am no longer wary of rumour mongerings. It's my life and I am living to tell my story. Tell mine to live for all I care, it's not going to make any difference in my choices. I am as clueless as anyone...but while I have faith, the rest have doubts and malice. Suit yourself, your 2 cents' worth is juz tat.
I am tired. Tired from all the happy moments spent, yet strangely revitalized. Time seems so short when you are in love and days passed like hours. You am juz happily lost in the labyrinth of passionate indulgence, when all that matters, are only the two of you. You hear only her voice, you see only her presence and all you can think of, is her and her only. You disregard conformity, you abandon rationale and you challenge the reins of social red tape. Only your own set of rules matter. Only her matters.
The time will come when you will be accredited with great foresight or plain foolishness. But until then, make a choice, do it and suck up the consequences! You only live once...going to heaven or hell is secondary.
At least, you know you have lived the life you always wanted.
Posted by Sam G at 5:42:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
There can only be one.
I am helpless.
Seems like you dun juz exist for yrself, isn't it? No matter how hard you try to breakaway from the shackles of Life, you are always tied down by reality. Maybe I haben done enough, maybe I pale in comparison, maybe I am juz sadly, the unfinished article.
I dun wanna give up, not without a fighting chance. But I have hit a plateau and unable to proceed further...until you make a choice. I waited and waited..how long more are we going to stay hanging like this? If guilt is the biggest reason and you are unwilling to subsitite that with happiness and love, I will respect your call.
There will never be an ideal situation. If you have to hurt someone, then let it be me.
Juzt promise me you will be happy after that.
Posted by Sam G at 7:28:00 PM 0 comments
Let our fairytale begins.
There's too much to say.
There's too much to justify.
I came, I saw and I did. Life is simply too short for procrastination. The feeling is right, the timing came and I fell for you. What's there to stop me? Isn't you someone I always ask for?
Sometimes, it felt too good to be true. Sometimes, I wonder if this is all a dream. I fear waking up to your absence. I love waking up to your face. I wonder if you are hesitant. I dunno if you will place your faith in me. I know we still have much to go thru. I am scared everything about you is going to end in a second. I need your voice. I need your presence. I need you. No one else but you, you and you.
I thanked God I found u. And I hope you will walk with me thru this journey.
Nothing else matters, no one else matters. As long as you stay with me.
Posted by Sam G at 3:30:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Little by little, bit by bit.
I saw your face and missed a beat,
not quite knowing what actually hit.
I was taken,
I was awaken,
little by little, bit by bit.
I stole many glances, I stole many peeks,
the more I lingered, the more intrigued.
I knew I was gone,
increasingly forlorn,
little by little, bit by bit.
I was hoping we speak,
which we eventually did!
It got me longing,
every little meeting,
little by little, bit by bit.
You share your past, you shared your deeds,
you let me into your emotional pit.
I knew you better,
I feel you more,
little by little, bit by bit.
I couldn't wait, the truth be seeked,
my love for you I must admit!
If my vibes are true,
you have fallen for me too,
little by little, bit by bit.
Lo and behold! I took a great leap!
My fair lady's heart is mine to keep!
Alas! Problems unfolded,
and emotions exploded,
little by little, bit by bit.
It's not going to be easy,
It's not always sweet,
but as long as we stay together,
love will make us stronger,
little by little, bit by bit...
Posted by Sam G at 12:59:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Juz one good climb.
I am waiting.
For all the engagements between us, we are still steps away from the ideal situation. I knew the implications even before I started...I am not whinning. I am juz impatient...very, very impatient. Cos when factors beyond our control start dictating rules of our engagements, it is extremly frustrating. It's an uphill task from here and it's going to be even more ardous as we prod on.
But you are worth it.
Posted by Sam G at 4:09:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Once a fool, always a fool.
I have been running into overdrive for the past week, till the body finally succumbed to fatigue. I overestimated my ageing body condition to incur the warth of cough, sore throat, throat inflammation, flu and fever. Yet..my spirit remains strong. No logical science can explain the stubborn act of resisting rest juz to catch more precious time. It was apparent she is a different preposition but I wasn't forewarn that I might get addicted. It was a magical moment to remember and I am hooked. For good.
But alas! Life sometimes has a mischievous side of her, to makes things more challenging. I was injected with a potent dosage and left wanting...now I am craving for more. The withdrawal symptoms came soon after and now I am quite a wreck. How do you eradicate, when you have been contaminated?
You can't. You simply carry on.
If you cut off, the subsequent torment is going to crush you to pieces, as if you are being peeled alive. Days will become nights and vice versa, there will be no tomorrow, and you constantly hide in the shadows of your past. You only see one face among the crowd, the same face you see... when you close your eyes. Life, will be like aimless, living hell.
But dun worry, this is juz a scenario.
For what is meant to be, will be...and I do believe in this modern, urbanized city of ours, fairy-tales' endings do occur.
Posted by Sam G at 9:44:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Crossing paths.
1 Universe, 8 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, 6 Billion People & our paths crossed. Why?
32 years down the road, I muz have met people in the thousands. Some came and left such an impression, you still remember them till this day. Some, you wish you could hav meet them earlier...some, you hope you have never, ever encounter them.
Some called this Fate.
Without A & B, you won't meet C. Every individual seems to be slotted perfectly into a timechart and appeared according to sequence, no more no less. Everyone bought and left something behind and everyone has a role to shape the man I am to become. You can't pre-empt their arrivals, you can't hurried their departures; When the time is up, they all leave you somehow. This cycle continues until you cease to become an entity of this amazing equation. Your timechart ends, so does your existence in others' charts.
And this is Life.
In good faith of the greater intelligence from above, this natural cycle of occurences helps to disperse enlightenment throughout one's life journey. You learn, by experience or mistake, thru people and places you meet, and decide if you wanna persist or change your choice of living. For better or worse, you are entitled to make a judgement from these pre-arranged encounters, and choose to turn left or right.
And this is Destiny.
Maybe I am fated to meet you in this lifetime, but I have a say whether you are out or in of it.
And we always hav a choice.
Posted by Sam G at 6:45:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Que Sara Sara
Like a serial drama, her life story unfolded with one high after another. My resolve is put to the test again and again. I did not waiver, not with a past that I am glad I was being bought back to (thank you for your unbridled honesty). I am onli very much saddened and shocked...that a person's life can be such a plight.
I am clear. It is now and the future that I am concern with, not a past that has already happened. There must be a reason we crossed paths only now. I do not know exactly what it is, but it has been a long while since my heart was sold.
This is not the end juz yet ; infact this is onli the beginning.
For the curve is steep and the end is far from sight. I am pretty sure there is no implusiveness nor recklessness involved in my conviction. I could be wrong but I am willing to place my faith on it.
Isn't this what I have been waiting for?
The war horns have sounded. Game on, Destiny.
Posted by Sam G at 7:00:00 AM 0 comments