Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alter ego.

Everyone have a perfect ideal of self and none is close to being tat.

I live, trying to fulfil the expectations for myself to the best I could. Many a times, I failed. I became a devastated wreck, whinning and crying. But the weird thing is when another person come to me with the same failings, I preach with strength, encouragement and conviction.

Cos I have been thru tat before and I know that feeling. I cannot endorse your disappointments, sadness or despair. Cos I really want you to be better. If I can't, I hope you can. Not for me, but for yourself. If by concealing the exact fears and torment (I felt before), and offering you some words of comfort can tide you throught your difficult period, I will try my best to perk you up.

Cos u see, I believe deep down in everyone's hearts, we r juz as vulnerable. I am juz as conscious as you, as with everybody, about the harsh reality of Life sometimes. And there is really this genuine happiness felt, when you do get better. At least for me.

I can't be there for everyone, but if our paths cross, it's meant to be. I become strong becos you need me to. And you will be too, when someone else need you.