Monday, October 18, 2010

Appt in hell.

I am in bad shape.

There is no waistline to speak off, no savings to fall back on, no desire to move on. I needed half bottle of wine to get writing going, a dozen ciggies to sort my tots and my 3 mths-o speakers juz kaput-ed on me. FML.

I am so devoid of faith, so bitter of my situations, I am spiraling towards the flame of destruction. The angst is building up again and I am sore about everything, everyone once more.

At this point in time, I juz feel like snuffing out the bloody lights of anyone's lives. Esp you, you and you. Fuck off. I can be alone. And I will be alone, thank you very much. So much for love and compassion God! Maybe tat's why you hide in heaven, cos mankind are truly selfish, ugly and incorrigible lots.

Paying for your bill becos of? FUck you. Justifying yr actions of selfishness? Fuck you too. Concealing yr disdain for another but engaged in closet dissing and acting all righteous abt it? SHAME on you and fuck you x 5. I am a fucker to you too? FUCK ME then!

But you know wat?

I believe so, so much in karma. One day, you..You and YOU are going to pay for all the bloody actions, tots and words you committed. Me included :)

I hope to see you in hell.

And I am going to make it so much worse for you.