Monday, September 27, 2010

It's always you against the world.

I always have this question...'What is everybody thinking rite now?'

I feel myself. I breathe, I walk, I pinch myself and there is pain. I feel alive. But thru my eyes, looking at others around me, I can't feel them.

'Are they even alive?'

They could all be walking bodies for all I know. Souless, mindless, careless.

Sometimes there is no relevance nor resonance in their doings. I wonder, I justify, I condone, I lament. But I can't see the real truth behind their faces. I can only try to relate, understand or empathetise. But I am not them. I can't feel their exact sentiments.

Most likely, I choose to believe in good faith, that watever they claimed, is true.

For we all have our own lives to oblige with, and until our paths are crossed or destinies are entwined, basically we have nothing much to do with or against each other. I am wat I am, and I believe I am as revered as I am much hated. I can't please everyone, I can only hope everyone is pleased with me.

I am not perfect, and so are you. We should be more forgiving, and less self-righteous about others' 'misdeeds' against ourselves. Seriously, it's juz a matter of opinions.

End of the day, it's about whether you bother to look at mine too.

*A note to you

I remembered dedicating a lengthy post elaborating any misunderstanding you could have derived while reading my penned tots. I could have not bother, but I did. By a stroke of fate, I found your new virtual diary and decided to remain a faithful follower. It was definitely a memorable day for you, and you have had your best time with the one who matters. I am not pissed, nor screaming injustice at your closet dissing. It's your personal space and I totally respect that. If my memory did not fail me, you replied enthusiastically to my wishes for you. All I wanna state is, given everybody's predicaments anytime, your personal living dun takes precedence over others and vice versa. I apologise for not keeping a promise, due to the factual truth of being penniless. It was sweet of you then on my occassion and I remember! I also remember my hospitality towards you when you graced my boutique. I am not being calculative, nor is this tit for tat. If our frenship is worth juz $2, I say we can both give tat a pass.

Frenship, like love, strive for the distance. There will be so many more celebrations to come, but how many people can remember them with you?

Happy b'day.