Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In a perfect world.

In a perfect world, there have to be

If everything is perfectly alrite, then 'perfection' is a constant and no longer a perception, where and how do you conclude perfection?

Truth be told, I am nowhere near perfect, juz as everyone else isn't too. Nothing and no one can be perfect, and differences allows us to justify our own benchmark for perfections. The mark of perfection also have a shell life, till the bar is yet, raised again.

You can't be perfect, perfecter or perfectest. You juz wanna be the best of that moment, for once. Most can't, with that honour going to a very privileged few. And even that handful can fail to live up to that label again.

1. iphone is the most iconic product of this century!! So is iphone 3. So is iphone 4.
2. V is the most beautiful woman I ever met!! (Before X, Y, Z...)
3. Beginning - I will give anything to have that perfect woman with me!!
    When together - Tat woman is perfect for me!!
    Ending - She was perfect when I gave her everything. FML.

Why do we even bother about perfection then.

In a BETTER world, maybe there is only one gender, with perfectly similar physical attributes, personality, characteristics and love/eat/shit/live perfectly the same way. And all will be named say...John.

John 1 : Hey! Looking good John!
John 2: I know! Look like you too, John!
John 3: Look at us, Johns! We love being Johns!!

Hah. Makes perfect sense, no?