Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When 2 becomes 1

Love is amazing.

1. Love makes you fat cos you have no time dun wanna exercise.
2. Love makes your paycheck insufficient for her.
3. Love fills up your empty inbox with sweet-nothings.
4. Love gives you a legitimate reason to buy/do/plan/say nice and sweet things.
5. Love makes you believe blindly that you are the most talented/handsome/hunky/romantic dude on earth.
6. Love makes you childish young.
7. Love makes you feel like a normal complete man.
8. Love makes silliness/stupidity/acting cute/inexplicable behaviour unacceptable to yourself only.
9. Love makes you think wat to write for pt.10, 11, 12... Refer to pt. 9.

Love is amazing.