Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Stroke of Fate.

I got a call from her yesterday. Very abrupt, very sudden.

I was in the midst of a conversation and my mobile rang. I took 3 secs to regain my composure and 2 secs to spring into action. I took my fone, moved hastily to a quiet corner and picked up the call. Her voice was quivering. She muz have been crying.

'Ah Ning O , ah yan got a stroke...*sob *sob..do you wanna come and see her? *sob*sob..

*Ah yan is the beloved pet dog of the Tan's family. 11 yrs and counting.

I was stunned momentarily. Stroke? who? okay. Ah yan. Ok. Are you ok? No? Why did u call me?......? Questions flew and my cells are forced to conceive answers and pieced together a rational conclusion. And I couldn't. She called. My love juz called. And our beloved dog might be dying. Trying to speculate 'why she called' to realising 'the dog might be dying' in a matter of mins is a serious test of emotional equilibrium. I promised to go her place, hung up the call, finished up my drink and jumped into a cab. I was on my way.

'What to do when I see her?'
'What to say when I see her?'
'What to say to her family?'
'What to say to her dog?'

Intense pondering muz have debilitated me and I fell asleep in the cab. I woke up juz in time to stop and alight the cab, only to realise I was 10 lamp posts away from her block (Fuck me). I cursed under my alcohol-tainted breath, walked briskly towards the building, took the lift and arrived at her doorstep.

I hesitated, and called her.

'I am outside your door.'

She looked the same as the last time I saw her. Abt 6 months back. Still beautiful. Ah Yan struggled to bring herself to her feet to welcome me when I saw her. She raised her head and glanced towards my direction, tail wagging weakly. I called her name and squatted right infront. She couldn't move any closer. Her left limbs have failed her. It was a painful sight. But at least my presence jolted some reaction. I was in a loss. I cradled her and stroked her soft, snowy fur. I think she still rems me. I think she knows I haven't been around for awhile. I fear this is our last few encounters.

'Thank you, Ah Yan... for letting me be there, for giving me a reason to be there, for me to see her once more. It's not my desired scenario, to appear under such circumstance. Please hang on awhile more. You will definitely be missed.'

What now?