Sunday, December 6, 2009

*woof *woof

I am a dog.

Today is the only 3rd day of work in KL, and my body is already screaming in protest. Aching toes, back, shoulders...and there is still 8 days to go. KNNZ. Wakie at 8 a.m., finishes at 10 p.m. I fucking work like a dog.

Thankfully, everything else about KL is wonderful. Food is cheap, pace is slow, warm and friendly ppl...other than the atrocious traffic, I can see myself settling here for good. There is simply no difference between weekdays and weekends, ppl are always in the streets. Full of life, full of energy. Cool!

(What's so bad about KL, Mr. Yap? *smile)

Maybe Fabian can feel this dog is growling already. He had been buying me dinner and drinks for 3 nites in a row. And I will go back late, sleep late and be tired the next day. Fucking tummy is slowly increasing in size too.
