Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When Good can be Bad, or vice versa.

Everyone complains and wish that Life can be better. So if given one chance to have that perfect Life, how exactly 'better' do we want it?


Loads of money? That dream job? Everlasting love? Eternal youth?
I used to whine alot and blamed the world for all the wrongs that have happened. It's always someone somewhere doing something unjustified, I thought I was the most unluckiest man alive. I perked myself up by thinking things cannot be worse than then and since I am already at 'shit-bottom'...surely the only way is up? But when more shit happens, my faith waivered and I believed I must be cursed this lifetime. Until I decided to change my frame of mind.
I have read one motivational quotes or books too many. If you are seeking inspirations from them, dun bother. They are written by the inspired, who have been inspired by an inspired, to inspire the next. If you trace back the source, there MUST be a first one...who decided to look on the brighter side of life and starts infecting those around him. This 'first person' role is constantly changing and I won't be surprised if the initial first gets inspired by another when his morale is waning. This shows that anyone can be that inspired 'first', and that 'anyone' can be you. We all knew Life has her ups and downs but knowing is not enough. Are we ready to embrace them?
We never cursed when things are going on well. Did you ever hear anyone complaining after getting a promotion or winning lottery? But seriously, how do you know those perceived 'good' are really good for you? I have a fren who have that dream job, dream apartment, dream car, going on dream holidays all by the age of 30. She died before her 31st b'day. I know another who prided herself for being a non-smoker only to sccumbed to lung cancer. I have an ex-buddy who became a millionaire by 23 because his mom plunged couple dozen storeys down. I am not trying to say that misfortune will befall those who are enjoying or receiving the kindness of Fate. I juz wanna to let you people know, Life can be ironical sometimes, or even fickle...switching 'allegiance' between good and bad all the time. And sometimes what is deemed good or bad, might not be true afterall.
I believe there is always a reason for whatever we have gone or going through. It could be the start of something really fantastic, or something freaking bad. I might have to lose the woman of my dreams, before I find the woman of my life. I might have to be so steeped in debts before I value the virture of being thrifty. I might have to flirt with death, before I cherish the privilege of living. But that doesn't mean I won't die. That doesn't mean I will be exempted.
But at least I live to fight another day.