I must have ruffled a few feathers recently. Other then the conscious effort to avoid some, I think one is consciously avoiding me too.
The above header is self-explanatory.
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, behaviours, opinions, speeches etc...irregardless the reprecussions. You just have to be ready to receive the consequential aftermath. If at any point of time, I have pissed you off through any course of actions, too bad. It was never intentional unless you have been a real asshole. I never ever set out to hurt, and if I did, it was juz to let known my displeasures and unhappiness. If we are still perpectually in touch, it doesn't mean I like what you are doing/thinking/behaving TOTALLY. It's only becos I know I am as flawed as you are, and you haven't exceed my tolerance of you yet. I will respect your views until my empathy grinds to a complete halt. By then, either you have become an asshole or I am an asshole to you too.
I am not some self-centered, egomaniac trying to be self-righteous. I juz believe I definitely have the right to choose the people or lifestyle I can be comfortable with. Transitions can be a day's affair, a week, sometimes years. I am in the middle of an evolvement which I think will leads to a better Me. And it's not for anyone else to tell me otherwise. I dun live for you, and you dun die for me...so save your criticisms and judgements for yourself. You dun need me to endorse what you believe might be a 'better' you too.
I am in complete mercy of the misconceptions others will derive from my recent transformation. But I bear no grudges to those who choose to think otherwise. I only have a lifetime, and the last thing I want, is to habour more negatism within. As the saying goes..'to each his own'.
End of the day, you are juz being yourself too.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Just being me.
Posted by Sam G at 12:15:00 AM
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