Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I haben been writing as much as I wan to cos :-

1. Some recent happenings are 'case-sensitive' and I do not want to misplace a buddy's trust in me.
2. I can't get the best words to put my thoughts in print. It's frustrating when I can't express the exact sentiments properly. (3 over-due posts are still in draft-format cos of this...)
3. I can't be writing dark, gloomy stuffs everytime.

I wonder if my love is still reading my blog? (R u bei?)

I wonder who else is reading my blog others than those I know.

I wonder if reading my blog has became a 'routine' for some everytime they r online or like Ah yang put it.."since your blog address share the same 1st alphabet as my fav football site, I juz read lor...' Thanz bro. Very encouraging. HEh.

Actually I should be resting now, 3:25 am and with work beckoning 6 hrs later, writing should be last of my concern. Not that I have serious shit to share, but I juz feel like writing. Even if it's shitty.

Suddenly I decided to write abt this.

'It's juz a game'

My group of frens recently started this weekly soccer affair. It was to be a light-hearted kick-around, some guys' bonding thingy and keeping those tummies-in-check kinda workout. But once the action gets going, the competitve steak in me will surface. I admit this is not some 'world cup tournament' but damn! I am serious abt my game manz! I am commited and I will huff and puff and run till my lungs burst!

It's not about winning, it's not abt being a sore-loser. But it's abt character.

A friendly game is DEFINITELY friendly but doesn't mean it's not competitive. Why bother playing the game and keeping scores and separate the winners from losers if IT'S JUS ONLY A GAME? Why even bother to be there in the first place?

It's not about how good u can kick the ball, do fancy tricks or score goals by the truckload. If you think it's a platform to showcase your repertoire of skills, go and play your own balls instead (pun intended!!)

It's abt the team, the fighting spirit and the effort.

It says alot about the character of a person in the way he approaches his game. I not even trying to glorify or belittle anyone or anything here. But when he can't even apply such traits to a very simple game of soccer, I wonder if he can ever apply them anywhere else. More often than not, our mindsets and perceptions guide us in the way we conduct ourselves, our duties and our roles. This might sound really exaggerating but how many times have us not try hard enough and lose the plot without a whimper?

You might not be the best player on the pitch, or lead the team to victory everytime but trust me, absolutely no one will fault you for trying. Then again, if you think you are juz one of the headcounts week after week, I will still appreciate your presence while I kick my ball.

Afterall, it juz a game.

'There is no failure except in no longer trying.'

~ Elbert Hubbard