Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmaz..merry me?

To all the folks reading this, merry Xmaz to you! May the coming year brings happiness, love and health for us all!

I think my heart is crying now. Thankfully Sam is still very much in one piece. Buddies have bundled around me, making all this while bearable. I chose to spend a quiet Xmaz's eve night on my own, fixing up the new beautiful speakers for my lappie. The sound quality is amazing now and I'll need it. There will be more time spend alone from now on.

Though there's no white Xmaz in Singapore, somehow our humid climate responded to this happy occassion and rained all day...making it all wet and chilly. How appropriate! And yes...have you wonder that Mr. Santa could be Hokkien (a local dialect...) becoz 'Ho Ho HO...' does sounds like it to me. Imagine Mr. Santa kena charged ERP when he comes here...heheh..

Peace to you all *smile*