Monday, June 8, 2009

Somtimes it's beyond us.

It's has been a long, memorable 5 yrs. We been thru too much together for all the 'thank you', 'sorry' and 'take care'...but if u happen to read this...thank you for everything and please take good care of yourself.

It wasn't an easy decision to make and one of us have to do it. I thanked God for giving us strength to face it together one last time. For all the sadness we are feeling, I believe things will be fine for us. And the day will comes when we will be blessed again.

If I am going to choose loving you all over again, I wouldn't have do it any differently. If you were only meant to be temporal, then it's all I ask for.

For one last Baobei, I love you.


Anonymous said...

My dear friend -- give yourself time. One day, you will recover.
