Saturday, June 20, 2009

Looking ahead

Things are slowly looking up.

I finally managed to get a stranglehold of my messy finances and breathe a little easier. Some simple plans are in the pipelines and for once... I have some realistic goals to work upon. Maybe taking on the oncoming challenges as a lone ranger does suit me better, because there is lesser pressure with decreased commitments and responsibilties.

I am not expecting a major over-haul of my lifestyle but the next 6 months could prove to be eventful and rewarding. When I am answerable only to myself (maybe my mum too), I can make bolder decisions and live the life I always wanted. I am not any happier right now, but at least I am not bothered. The only concern might be the detrimental effect of a failed relationship in regards to my response to Love in the long run. We shall see.

Small steps are all I can take right now, but with a slight glimspe of light beckoning, I know I am on the right path. And hopefully I am able to finish what I started out to achieve at the start of 2009 and starts 2010 on a brand new chapter. Once I clear the biggest obstacle, I am going to embark on my journey of self-gratification in endorsing the 'carpe diem' ideology.

Wait for me.