I wonder if 'sight' should be included into one of the 'sins' of men.
The ability to see is so wonderful and so So SO over-rated. As much as giving me beautiful and memorable visuals, it also impairs my rationale and judgement sometimes.
Though I always try to look beyond 'face-value' when dealing with people or situations, I am afraid I am juz as guilty to form an immediate perception on sight. It will only be much later before the brain starts to filter the visual information and comes to a conclusion.
Sometimes first impressions are already so etched within, it's impossible to have a logical or sensible verdict. It's easy when it's pleasing on the eyes...beautiful places, beautiful cars, beautiful people or beautiful situations. Somehow or rather, the human brain is programmed to receive these informations with open arms. And we can get really upset/affected/disgusted when we PERCEIVE any others that doesn't falls into the 'beautiful' category. We withdraw, critisize or shun those we think are less deserving of our appreciation/admiration.
Is it because we are insecure? That deep down inside us, we know and fear that the very same ugly sightings can happen to us? Or we falsely believe that we will always be exempted from such negative judgements? So we judge first before we can be judged?
Not everyone or everything have the good fortune of being beautiful. But they can be beautiful too if we look deeper. Beautiful situations/people/places are not a norm. They are a 'bonus'. Not having any is not a curse, it's juz Life. And Life does have her imperfections sometimes.
Without having the lesser, how to determine the better? Chew on this.
p/s: Will it be easier if we all can't see?