Monday, January 19, 2009

May there be Light

I have decided that 2009 will be a year of consolidation.

Looking back, many things could have been done differently, many wrong decisions avoided, less procrastinations, more constructive in approach, less angst and more forgiving.

I am treading the path close to God. No..I am not a converted Christian now, juz that his teachings have touched me and I am more conscious than I have ever been. I wanna make peace with live and let live. Things happen for a reason. I have to believe all of this is in good faith of the Almighty and whatever will be, will be. I will not contrived to deceive myself that the world is without evil, but neither do I want to detach myself from the embrace of Hope and Love. I wanna be less cynical towards intentions and less critical of actions.

I should stop having retrospective self-justifications. I can't erase the past. She shall be a contant reminder of any repercussions...a collection of experiences which will make good the future.

There's no 2 ways about it. Either Light or Darkness.